

2011-11-18 06:48:06


"Don't rob a motherfucking bank without a motherfucking mask."

"But this,this was on sale." "I love how thrifty you are."
「但是這個,它在搞特賣。」 「我就喜歡你的節儉!」

"Remember when you just needed a gun and a brown paper bag?"

「You missed,be...atch!」

"I mean,it's not like I'm a accountant or a comedy writer or something really Jewy.I'm a fucking bank robber,for Christ's sake.You know how many Jewish bank robber there are?"

"And even in this work environment,all they see is bagels and shmear and Goldman Sachs."

「Ten years ago,we would've bailed.You know I'm right.」 " Ten years ago we weren't in a recession." "Fucking bubble!"
「10年前我們就應該金盆洗手的,你知道我說的沒錯。」 「10年前我們還沒趕上經濟衰退呢。」 「該死的政府!」

「Look look,listen to me.I'm about to be 40 in a couple of years.That's like 80 in criminal years」

「Let's just kill those muppets and do the ATMs.」 「- That's blue collar.」
「我們就殺光哪些小丑,搶個ATM機得了。」 「這可是藍領的活啊。」

"And they call us criminals.We should've been dentists." "You're absolutely right."
「他們還叫我們罪犯,我們應該去做牙醫啊。」 「你說的太對了」

「Number one, Vicellous Drum.Man,he's overrated.」 "I don't know,bro.Perfect gateway record, highest take-per-heist raio."
「頭號通緝犯是Vicellous Drum,老兄,他可真被高估了」 「我不這麼認為啊,夥計,他有完美的逃跑記錄,最高的單次平均搶劫金額。」

「I cannot believe I kissed you」 「Doesn't take a mastermind to get under you skirt,sweetie.」
「我都不敢相信,我吻過你」 「要泡你的話,用不著天才的大腦,甜心。」