男女生了沒--The Ugly Truth


6.4 / 230,562人    96分鐘

導演: 羅伯路克提
編劇: 妮可伊斯曼 凱倫麥可庫蘭路兹
演員: 傑瑞德巴特勒 凱瑟琳海格 凱文康諾利 約翰麥可希金斯


2011-10-17 18:18:10

Ugly truth




1丶 Mike在片中提出的四大原則,不僅要做為剩女釣凱子的經典來反覆觀摩體會,也值得所有已婚婦女揣測學習;
Take marriage, for instance.It's about social pressure, status and sex.
這些年,見過太多合久了的分,見過太多背叛丶淫媒丶外遇丶墮胎……見過太多傻乎乎的女人,還有她們人模狗樣,演技卓絕的男人們。「當我沉默著的時候,我覺得充實;我將開口,同時感到空虛」。如片中所闡釋,人性相對於靈長類的其他親戚並無多少長進。其他我還能說什麽嗎?Man are simple, we cannot be trained.

2丶 往深里說,Ugly truth並非一個庸俗的笑話,它不僅存在男女情感生活,而是貫穿社會人生的種種。




3丶 瑞典營銷大師奧爾森只向我力薦過兩部經典電影,上一部是
Thank you for smoking http://movie.douban.com/subject/1498811/
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Rule #1: Never criticize
- Even if it's constructive?
- Never.
Men are incapable of growth, change or progress.
For men, self-improvement ends at toilet training.

Rule #2: Laugh at whatever he says.
- What if what he says isn't funny?
- That's irrelevant.
- A fake laugh is like a fake orgasm.
- A fake orgasm is good?
-No, but a fake orgasm is better than no orgasm at all.
- A fake orgasm is no orgasm.
- Only to you. You're not the only person in the room, you know. Let's not be selfish.
-Now, that was perfect.
- Real or fake?
- You'll never know.

Rule #3 Men are very visual.
- We have to change your look.
- What's wrong with my look?
-Abby, you're a very attractive woman, but you are completely inaccessible.
  You're all about comfort and efficiency.
 -What's wrong with comfort?
-Well, nothing, except no one wants to fuck it.
We need cocktail dresses......tight jeans and some bras that'll make my friend's breasts......sit up and say hello.
- They're not saying hello now?
- What are they saying?
- They're giving more of a passing nod......rather than an outright greeting.
  Boobies in this thing say, "Put me in your mouth, I taste good."
Length is very important. We need short enough to see some thigh, but not so short to see vag.
- Vag says you're trying too hard.
Jeans are all about the curvature of the ass.
You've... Well, you've got the raw materials.
Now all you need is the proper presentation.

Rule #4: Never talk about your problems because men don't really listen or care.
- Some men care.
- No, some men pretend to care.
When we ask you how you're doing, it's guy code for:"Let me stick my dick in your ass."
If he's even remotely into you he's probably thought about your orifices at least 10 times.
-I love how you assume all men are as perverse as you are.
Oh, I don't assume. I know.
We have to make your hair longer.
Men like something to grab onto other than your ass.
Abby, a ponytail implies that you are either operating heavy machinery or emptying the litter box.
Neither of those things inspires an erection.
-I don't wanna be perceived as a bimbo. I mean...
-And I don't want you to be a bimbo.
You have to be two people: the saint and the sinner.
The librarian and the stripper.
On the one hand, you have to push the guy away with a cold indifference on the other, you have to be a sexually teasing tornado.
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So there you have it. Never assume a girl is easy or assume she's a prude.
There are many layers in between. And it's your job, gentlemen, to peel back those layers and figure out exactly what type
of woman you're dealing with.
Because once you do peel back those layers, my friends her lady garden awaits.
And I'm pretty sure you're gonna wanna fertilize that patch of petunias.

-What advice would you give to the people out there that are looking for love?
- My advice would be:
Don't do it.I mean, try to find lust instead. It's a lot easier and a lot less messy.
Blue balls, they only last a few hours, but a broken heart, that can last years.
-Goodness me. Tell me, then. What's her name?
-The woman that screwed you up. She must have been a doozy.
-Well, like I said, better a floozy than a doozy.
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