愛情盛宴--The Feast of Love


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導演: 羅伯班頓
編劇: Allison Burnett 查理巴克斯特
演員: 摩根費里曼 莎瑪布萊兒 葛雷肯尼爾 蜜西派兒


2011-09-26 05:26:37

Lines that really moved me


1. The psychic lady said to Chloe:「If you really love him, you know, people can keep other people alive.」
2. Bradley answered why he cut his little finger off:「I wanted to feel, in my body, as much the pain as I feel in my heart.」
3. Bradley asked the doctor:「Do you think love is a trick nature plays on us only to make more babies, or it’s everything, the only reason we are trapped in this crazy dream?」
4.Bradley said:「I had my eyes closed for too long. And when I opened them, they weren』t prepared for what they see.」
5.Professor Harry said to his wife:「Now, there』re only two of us. And later, it』ll be only one of us in the world.」
His wife answered:「And that’s why we have to love each other as hard as we can now, when we still have the chance.」
6.Professor Harry said to Bradley after the death of their friend Oscar:「God is either dead or he despises us.」
7.Professor Harry said to Bradley about the couple he saw making love in the stadium:「I feel sorry for them. There』re so much they don』t know. Heartbreaks they can』t even imagine.」
8. Bradley responded:「Even if they know, it won』t change anything.」 「God doesn』t hate us. If he hates us, he wouldn』t have made our hearts so brave. 」
