今晚帶我回家--Take Me Home Tonight


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導演: 麥可道斯
編劇: Jackie Filgo Jeff Filgo
演員: 陶佛葛瑞斯 安娜法瑞絲 丹‧富樂 泰瑞莎帕瑪


2011-09-03 07:54:51


之前Matt 開車吸毒被警察老爸逮著,老爸在砸車

Dad: Of course with your education, you should be able to earn a decent salary

Son: I swear to God, I'll get an engineering job, dad.

D: But you don't want an engineering job, Matthew.

S: I'll do what you want me to do.

D: But what do you want?

S: I don't know.


S: No, Dad I'm sorry. I'm just messd up, OK? I don't know what I wanna do, I am sorry I am such a fucking failure.

D: You haven't really failed, son. Because you haven't really tried to suceed. So, don't credit yourself as a failure. You are worse than that.



I am Matt Franklin. I work at suncoast video at the mall. I still live with my parents.

眾人:You suck...

I don't know what I am doing here, I am scared. And you know what...

I have been so afraid of my life, that I have missed my life.

But I am like all of you, we are all scared.

I mean, come on. Admit it.

We are trying to be something that we are not

But tonight, all of that changes.

Tonight, I am not afraid

Tonight, I have one thing to say to all that bullshit.

Fuck it.




其實,Matt 所說的We are trying to be something we are not。 我總是在做那個人(Dad wants me to be...)

我對未來充滿恐懼,這一點和Matt 是一樣的,他從MIT出來,沒有去當工程師,跑到了一個音像店打工。


在未來面前,總是顯得手足無措,因為 I am afraid of it.

我到底在害怕什麼呢?我在抗拒什麼?不要自己騙自己了,你根本就hate the life in lab. 你想做一些更有意思的事情,比如做一個旅遊節目主持人,外景的那種。(美吧..你就)


今有我廖某某,寫Email 給professor:"I am really interested in.... I want to explore the unkown world"

Fuck it.

我真心羨慕那些人,那些找到了自己的世界的人。在我找到我的那個世界之前,我只能做一隻孤魂野鬼,飄蕩,飄蕩....... 師兄所言極是,我是生活在雲端的人。


What the hell do you want to do?
