永不妥協--Erin Brockovich


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導演: 史蒂芬索德柏
編劇: 蘇珊娜葛蘭特
演員: 茱莉亞羅勃茲 大衛布瑞 Dawn Didawick 亞伯芬尼 Valente Rodriguez


2011-05-09 07:40:34


For the first time in my life, I got people respecting me. Please, don't ask me to give it up.

[From memory, to a group of lawyers who don't think she adds anything to the case] Annabelle Daniels: 74-454-9346. 10 years old, 11 in May. Lived on the plume since birth. Wanted to be a synchronized swimmer so she spent every minute she could in the PG&E pool. She had a tumor in her brain stem detected last November, an operation on Thanksgiving, shrunk it with radiation after that. Her parents are Ted & Rita. Ted's got Crohn's disease, Rita has chronic headaches, and nausea, and underwent a hysterectomy last fall. Ted grew up in Hinkley. His brother Robbie, and his wife May and their five children: Robbie Jr, Martha, Ed, Rose & Peter also lived on the plume. Their number is 454-9554, you want their diseases?

Ed Masry: In a law firm you may want to re-think your wardrobe a little.
Erin Brockovich: Well Ed, I think I look nice. And as long as I have one ass instead of two I'll wear what I like if that's all right with you? You might want to re-think those ties.

[At the meeting with the PG & E lawyers]
Ms. Sanchez: Let's be honest here. $20 million dollars is more money then these people have ever dreamed of.
Erin Brockovich: Oh see, now that pisses me off(惹sb生氣). First of all, since the demur(抗辯,異議) we have more than 400 plaintiffs(原告) and... let's be honest, we all know there are more out there. They may not be the most sophisticated people but they do know how to divide and $20 million isn't shit when you split it between them. Second of all, these people don't dream about being rich. They dream about being able to watch their kids swim in a pool without worrying that they'll have to have a hysterectomy(子宮切除) at the age of twenty. Like Rosa Diaz, a client of ours. Or have their spine deteriorate(退化,惡化), like Stan Blume, another client of ours. So before you come back here with another lame ass offer, I want you to think real hard about what your spine is worth, Mr. Walker. Or what you might expect someone to pay you for your uterus, Ms. Sanchez. Then you take out your calculator and you multiply that number by a hundred. Anything less than that is a waste of our time.(這段真是說得好!)
[Ms. Sanchez picks up a glass of water]
Erin Brockovich: By the way, we had that water brought in special for you folks. Came from well in Hinkley.
Ms. Sanchez: [Eyes the water warily(警惕地) and sets the glass back down] I think this meeting is over.
Ed Masry: Damn right it is.

Kurt Potter: Wha... how did you do this?
Erin Brockovich: Well, um, seeing as how I have no brains or legal expertise, and Ed here was losing all faith in the system, am I right?
Ed Masry: Oh, yeah, completely. No faith, no faith...
Erin Brockovich: I just went out there and performed sexual favors. Six hundred and thirty-four blow jobs in five days... I'm really quite tired.
