愛在心裡怎知道--How Do You Know?


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導演: 詹姆士布魯克
編劇: 詹姆士布魯克
演員: 傑克尼柯遜 瑞絲薇斯朋 保羅路德 歐文威爾森 Andrew Wilson (Ⅲ)


2011-04-16 04:41:42

I propose to you that we get married

how do you know what you gonna get from life ?

well 麗莎 didn't know until one day she was cut from the team. so what ? all the motto she tips on the glasses didn't work. it is like the whole world crack with nothing left.

yes she have a baseball-star boyfriend who acted like a childish adult and who didn't love her right.

Until she met George ,who is unemployed and becomes a target for federal investigation. That guy knows her, he understands her. Is that the whole thing a women expects from men? to love her the way she wants? yes George did it by giving 麗莎 a bottle a Play-don.

"I have kept this for a long time as proof that we are all one small adjustment away from making our lives work
You can see why I thought this for you ,can't you ?"

lisa and george are meant to be together.

plus I found the following words great :

I don't want you to think the reason we are not married is because I think anything of anyone else. because I am 40 years old and I am a failure. I will get work again and I won't get seniority because of what happened. I don't want get sidetracked. The reason that I never talk marriage to you is because I could not stand to see you . The princess of worry weighted down by me and my limited prospects. Because I get your worries Annie. I know a lot of people think that 's a bad thing about you but I know it is because you have a great big heart and I love you for it . And then I start to worry about what would happen to you and this little hulk.

you didn't want her to end up with someone who wanted her to change what she couldn't .
Someone who didn't get me
he is worried about you be somebody who make you feel bad about yourself