黑金風暴--Inside Job


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導演: Charles Ferguson
編劇: Chad Beck Adam Bolt
演員: 麥特戴蒙


2011-03-09 07:01:38

Inside.Job.監守自盜中關鍵"罪犯" 宗教背景一覽.

「as long as Jews exist there always will be financial problems...........every fifty years, mark my words.」

Inside.Job.監守自盜中關鍵"罪犯" 宗教背景一覽.

Donald Regan United States Secretary of the Treasury Irish Catholic
Charles Keating banker *Catholic
Alan Greenspan Chairman of the Federal Reserve Jew
Robert Rubin United States Secretary of the Treasury Jew 12600,0000
Lawrence Summers Director of the White House National Economic Council for Obama jew 2000,0000
Franklin Raines ceo of Fannie Mae black 5200,0000
Arthur Levitt SEC Chairman jew
Phil" Gramm economist and politician vice-chairman of ubs
Richard Severin "Dick" Fuld ceo of Lehman Brothers jew 48500,0000 7架飛機和一架直升機
Henry Merritt "Hank" Paulson United States Treasury Secretary/ceo of Goldman Sachs Christian 48500,0000
ben bernanke jew
tim geithner half German half WASP
Lloyd Blankfein ceo Goldman Sachs jew
John Paulson founder and president of Paulson & Co. jew

George Soros Jew 亞洲金融危機製造者