好孕臨門--Knocked Up


6.9 / 384,859人    129分鐘 | 133分鐘 (unrated version)

導演: 賈德阿帕托
編劇: 賈德阿帕托
演員: 凱瑟琳海格 萊絲里曼恩 傑森席格 傑巴魯契


2011-03-07 13:00:12

Knocked Up的一些花邊八卦


1、看到Dr.Kuni時一樂,這不是我前幾天看的《The Hangover》裡的冒充Chinese的Leslie Chow嘛。wiki了一下這個叫Ken Jeong的韓裔喜劇演員,居然是杜克+北卡畢業的醫學生,名副其實的Doctor。

2、Alison這個角色原來計劃是由Anne Hathaway出演的。結果安妮由於creative reasons(其實就是安妮接受不了導演用其他孕婦生產的真實鏡頭讓觀眾產生她生產的錯覺)放棄出演。導演後來才選擇了《實習醫生格蕾里》裡的Izzie- Katherine Heigl。

3、再八下,其實Katherine是PK掉了Jennifer Love Hewitt和Kate Bosworth才拿到這個角色的。我個人十分贊同導演的慧眼啊。

4、值得一說的是這部電影上映後Katherine鬧出的風波。當年這部中小成本電影一舉拿下2億多美元票房跌破眾人眼鏡,各大媒體搶著做正面報導時,Katherine卻發出了不和諧的聲音:「我覺得這部片子有些性別歧視,它把女性描繪成無幽默感的神經緊張的潑婦,而把男性描繪成可愛的滑稽的風趣的人物。」(「a little sexist. It paints the women as shrews, as humorless and uptight, and it paints the men as lovable, goofy, fun-loving guys. It exaggerated the characters, and I had a hard time with it, on some days. I』m playing such a bitch; why is she being such a killjoy? Why is this how you』re portraying women? Ninety-eight percent of the time it was an amazing experience, but it was hard for me to love the movie.」)
幸災樂禍的媒體跑去採訪導演Judd,對方開始就是搪塞一句「我真震驚她會用'潑婦'(shrew)這個詞」就顧左右而言他了。不過在媒體強大攻勢下,導演終於鬆口:「If people say that the characters are sexist, I say, yeah, that's what I was going for in the first part of the movie, and then they change.「

一個feminist的女演員真讓人那麼討厭嗎?反正我不。我倒是挺喜歡Katherine身上貼的"a potentially important and assertive modern proponent of women's rights"的標籤的。連艾美獎都據的K姐的一股執拗勁我特別喜歡,儘管有時候她的堅持看起來不知輕重不識大體。摘一段她說她選擇老公Josh的話,我相信這能解釋的通她的那股執拗勁。
「As women, we have more of a tendency to be people-pleasers, and I know a lot of women who are not vocal about what makes them happy. I was like that in my early 20s, but not anymore. I spent a lot of time not being clear about who I was and what was important to me. It’s easy to be taken advantage of if you』re not honest. I knew that dance of trying to please a man, trying to guess what they want you to be, and I got really tired of that, really confused and frustrated. I decided I was sick of trying to figure out what everybody else wanted, and I should just decide what I want, and be honest, and not spend all my time guessing. Josh is the first serious relationship I』ve ever had where I was like, This is me. From the moment I met him, I said, This is what I want and what I need.」
