布萊德彼特之即刻毀滅--Burn After Reading


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導演: 伊森柯恩 喬柯恩
編劇: 喬柯恩 伊森柯恩
演員: 布萊德彼特 喬治克隆尼 約翰馬可維奇


2011-02-13 04:24:07


know someone by name and reputation 1. 久仰大名
with respect; with all due respect used before disagreeing with somebody in order to seem polite (禮貌地表示不同意見)恕我直言
clearance level 許可級別 (錄用或准許接觸機密以前的)審查許可,審核批准
chuckle to laugh quietly
rotunda a round building or hall, especially one with a curved roof (
crudites Assorted raw vegetables served as an hors d'oeuvre, typically with a sauce into which they may be dipped
stuck-up 自命不凡的;趾高氣揚的
I'm obliged to 我不得不
broach 發音 開始提及;引入;提出;開始討論 the possibility
prerogative a right or privilege belonging to a particular person or group because of their importance or social position 權利;特權;專利
forearmed 發音
fabled famous and often talked about, but rarely seen
breast augmentation
marker 記號筆;氈頭筆 gut (尤指大的)胃,肚子incipient crow's feet
初期的魚尾紋 just beginning 剛開始的;初始的;早期的
slack 不緊的;鬆弛的 chemical peel果酸換膚 svelte /svelt/ DJ 發音 /svɛlt/ KK /sfelt/ DJ 發音 of a person, especially a woman 人,尤指女子 thin in a graceful and attractive way
snort 發音 噴鼻息;鼓鼻 fill out a verbal profile
plug 發音 植髮
pre-approval 貸款預審批准
snore 打呼嚕
subterfuge /ˈsʌbtəfjuːdʒ/a secret, usually dishonest, way of behaving or doing something (通常指欺騙性的)秘密手段,招數;伎倆;花招
bozo a stupid person 傻瓜;笨蛋
dope 笨蛋、呆子
frivolity /frɪˈvɒləti/ behaviour that is silly or amusing, especially when this is not suitable 愚蠢的行為;可笑的表現;輕浮的舉止
HMO health maintenance organization 維護健康組織
get the surgery ball rolling
cockamamie of an idea, a story, etc. 主意、故事等 silly; not to be believed 荒誕可笑的;不可信的
shush (要某人安靜)噓
layperson a layman or laywoman 非專業人員;外行;門外漢
tap water
tinkle 電話通話
blow a gasket 俚語勃然大怒
play ball 與某人合作
in this juncture 在這個時刻
I got a sensitivity.
anaphylactic shock
larynx the area at the top of the throat that contains the vocal cords
guttural of a sound 聲音 made or seeming to be made at the back of the throat
outrageous 駭人的;無法容忍的
infighting arguments and disagreements between people in the same group who are competing for power 團體內部的爭權奪利;內訌
wide-plank pine寬板松
full disclosure全面披露
spanking 打屁股
dis·sem·i·na·tion The act of spreading something, esp. information, widely; circulation
The Kryptonite lock is an Ingersoll Rand-owned brand of bicycle lock for securing a bicycle to a pole or other fixture, when the owner wants to leave the bicycle in a public place. ...
cultural attache 文化參贊
Lower the boom 1. 給予迎頭痛擊
expedite to make a process happen more quickly 加快;加速
stirrup 發音 馬鐙
mold hard rubber 硬質橡膠模具
spook a ghost 鬼 a castle haunted by spooks 鬧鬼的城堡 a spy 間諜;特工
snide criticizing somebody/something in an unkind and indirect way 諷刺的;挖苦的
fun and games activities that are not serious and that other people may disapprove of
deniability (尤指高級官員)推諉不知情的本領
slurp 發音 出聲地吃(或喝)
o·dom·e·ter An instrument for measuring the distance traveled by a vehicle
deuce in tennis 網球 the situation when both players have 40 as a score, after which one player must win two points one after the other in order to win the game 局末平分 uncountable countable o
            a playing card with two pips on it 二點的紙牌
Pull around the corner
coarse 粗魯無禮的,粗俗的(尤指涉及性的)
Spare me饒了我吧
Scrubbed of ID
fuzzy on
clearance (錄用或准許接觸機密以前的)審查許可,審核批准 uncountable countable
bumbling around
AWOL /ˈeɪwɒl/ DJ 發音 /ˈeɪwɔːl/ DJ US 發音 /'ewɔl/ KK US
      absent without leave(used especially in the armed forces when somebody has left their group without permission) 擅離職守,無故離隊,開小差(尤用於軍隊)
bother to
get los
 a rude way of telling somebody to go away, or of refusing something (讓人走開的不禮貌的說法)滾開,別來煩我
remain upbeat
How they blackmailed 武裝軍曹
filibuster /ˈfɪlɪbʌstə(r)/ DJ 發音 /'fɪləˈbʌstɚ/ KKa long speech made in a parliament in order to delay a vote (議會中為拖延表決的)冗長演說
way out of line 1. 太過份了
I do not know the whereabouts
dribble 口水;小溪,細流
clank /klæŋk/ DJ 發音 /klæŋk/ KK to make a loud sound like pieces of metal hitting each other; to cause something to make this sound (使)發出叮噹聲,發出噹啷聲
leverage the ability to influence what people do 影響力 formal uncountable
                 diplomatic/political leverage 外交╱政治影響力
            the act of using a lever to open or lift something; the force used to do this 槓桿作用;槓桿效力
off the map 不易到達(或找到)的;無關緊要的
can-do willing to try new things and expecting that they will be successful 願意嘗試新事物且期望成功的
pedestrian 行人使用的;行人的 缺乏想像的;乏味的;無趣的
SORT IT OUT 1. 搞定了
snuck in 1. 溜進來
ebullient full of confidence, energy and good humour 充滿自信的;精力充沛的;熱情洋溢的 adjective written
don't sweat the small stuff used to tell somebody not to worry about small details or unimportant things 不要為雞毛蒜皮的事傷腦筋
stutter 結結巴巴地說話
creak to make the sound that a door sometimes makes when you open it or that a wooden floor sometimes makes when you step on it 嘎吱作響(開門或踩上木地板等時發出的聲音)
snag a problem or difficulty, especially one that is small, hidden or unexpected (尤指潛在的、意外的、不嚴重的)問題,困難,障礙,麻煩
in broad daylight
   1. 光天化日之下
sounds odd
cosmetic surgery 整容手術
sit on everything 擱置