

7.2 / 38,739人    107分鐘

導演: 東尼古威
演員: 希拉蕊史旺 山姆洛克威爾 蜜妮卓芙 梅莉莎李奧


2011-02-06 09:46:57


這部電影涉及的法律問題,主要在三方面:一是訴訟辯護,二是 DNA 調查與"清白計劃"(Innocence Project),三是死刑存廢。

訴訟方面,電影中 Kenny 一案,很明顯的是辯護人失職。即便 Kenny 因為請不起律師而得接受法院指派的公設辯護人(Public Defender),但是從電影中看到,陪審團和法官的有罪判決依據僅為警方的證人證言。Kenny 前妻和女友在警方壓力下而做出不利於 Kenny 的證言,這些偽證證言很容易在"交叉質證"(cross-examination)下被識破,但是從劇中看不出公設辯護人對此有作出任何努力。如果公設辯護人對案情與證人背景做過詳細的調查研究,Kenny 是可以獲得無罪釋放而無需承受這將近 20 年的牢獄之災。

"清白計劃"(Innocence Project)是因應法院將 DNA 檢測作為可信的法庭證據後而產生,由 Barry Scheck 和 Peter Neufeld 於 1992 年成立並在 2003 年成為獨立的非營利組織,主要任務在使用 DNA 檢測技術證明以前的罪犯無罪。到 2011 年 1 月 23 日為止,一共有 266 人(多數為謀殺犯與強暴犯)因此計劃而重獲清白。

"清白計劃"說明了證人證言的侷限性,以及現實中的"有罪推定"問題。O. J. 辛普森 案中擔任上訴辯護律師的哈佛法學院教授 Alan Dershowitz 於《The Best Defense》一書中,開宗明義指出:

Rule I:Almost all criminal defendants are, in fact, guilty.

Rule II:All criminal defense lawyers, prosecutors and judges understand and believe Rule I.

Rule III:It is easier to convict guilty defendants by violating the Constitution than by complying with it, and in some cases it is impossible to convict guilty defendants without violating the Constitution.

Rule IV:Almost all police lie about whether they violated the Constitution in order to convict guilty defendants.

Rule V:All prosecutors, judges and defense attorneys are aware of Rule IV.

Rule VI:Many prosecutors implicitly encourage police to lie about whether they violated the Constitution in order to convict guilty defendants.

Rule VII:All judges are aware of Rule VI.

Rule VIII:Most trial judges pretend to believe police officers who they know are lying.

Rule IX:All appellate judges are aware of Rule VIII, yet many pretend to believe the trial judges who pretend to believe the lying police officers.

Rule X:Most judges disbelieve defendants about whether their constitutional rights have been violated, even if they are telling the truth.

Rule XI:Most judges and prosecutors would not knowingly convict a defendant who they believe to be innocent of the crime charged (or a closely related crime.)

Rule XII:Rule XI does not apply to members of organized crime, drug dealers, career criminals or potential informers.

Rule XIII:Nobody really wants justice.

在現實審判中,"有罪推定"才是常態,加上目前"媒體審判"(Trial by Media)情形益加嚴重,以及法官案櫝勞形,使得"無罪推定"(Presumption of Innocence)目標更是難以落實。

Conviction 一片中女主角對 Kenny 的女兒說:"如果不是麻州沒有死刑,你父親可能早就死了。"由此約可推定,本片對死刑態度維持好萊塢自由派傳統的質疑立場。


雖然保守派法官們極力的反對,美國死刑制度廢除仍是緩步而進行中。例如,2005 年 Roper v. Simmons (聯邦最高法院口頭辯論錄音紀錄,http://www.oyez.org/cases/2000-2009/2004/2004_03_633/argument)一案中,判決死刑不得適用於未成年人身上。即便不敢全面廢除死刑,但因為是由保守派大法官 安東尼 Kennedy 在意識型態陣營抑或引用歐盟法令案例都出人意表的采極激進立場,使得本案得以通過。但是也因為這種立場的轉變,使得 Kennedy 被保守派視為"叛徒",而極力尋找新案子進聯邦法院以求翻案。未來發展如何,仍不得而知。
