校門外--The Sure Thing


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導演: 羅伯萊納
編劇: Steve Bloom
演員: 約翰庫薩克 戴芬祖尼加 安東尼愛德華 提姆羅賓斯

MaxZ 等等等等

2011-01-30 00:53:05


作為一個John Cusack的粉絲,到這部為止,看過17部他的電影,談不上每一部都喜歡,卻總有那麼一兩部總是勾起心中的情懷。當然,必不可少的就是他2001年的那部《Serendipity》,中文譯作緣份天註定,當然還有另外一個更加瓊瑤的名字叫,情有獨鐘。而這部《The Sure Thing》的中文譯名——犯賤情人,看似滑稽,卻對電影有著極為恰當的概括,一對歡喜冤家的「犯賤」愛情小曲,如此的真切,如此的直白,如此的清新。看的時候總覺得當年清秀的Cusack很像另一個男演員,想了半天終於蹦出一個名字,囧瑟夫!
Those aren't just freckles.If you look closely,you can see Cassiopeia.
A long time ago in Ethiopia,there was this queen named Cassiopeia who thought she was the most beautiful woman in the entire world, and there wasn't anybody in the kingdom who wasn't offended by this woman's relentless vanity. And then one day, she really screwed up and offended the gods. I don't remember what she did and I don't remember who she offended. But it was bad. She crossed the line. But anyway, Poseidon, the sea god,punished Cassiopeia by placing her in the heavens upside down on her throne, stuck for eternity with her skirt around her shoulders and all the blood rushing to her head. And now she's just a constellation in the sky, a bunch of English freckles in the shape of a throne.

So she made one tragic mistake.
And paid for eternity.

在《The Sure Thing》關於Cassiopeia,雖只是隻言片語,但也是女主角第一次對男主角流出出些許好感的開始。

仙后座是衣索比亞國王克甫斯的王后卡西奧帕亞的化身。因為王后常在人們面前 仙后座
誇耀自己和女兒(安德羅美達)是世界最美的女人,連海神的女兒涅瑞伊得斯也不如她們,因而激怒了海神(波塞冬)。國王和王后不得不將愛女獻給海王,幸好被英雄珀爾修斯所救。後來,海神被他們所感動,把國王和王后都升到天界,成為星座。王后在天上深感狂妄誇口不好,所以成為仙后座後,仍然高舉雙手,彎著腰以示悔過,繞著北極轉呀轉,相信人們都會原諒她那無知造成的過錯。   舉報