情慾二重奏--The Last Mistress

6.4 / 3,119人    104分鐘 | South Korea:113分鐘 | Canada:114分鐘 (Toronto International Film Festival)

導演: 凱薩琳.布蕾雅
編劇: 凱薩琳.布蕾雅
演員: 艾莎阿基多 弗德艾特羅 蘿珊梅斯基達 Claude Sarraute 友蘭達夢露


2010-12-14 12:34:19



The Last Mistress(Une vieille maitresse)

2007NR114 minsFrenchDirector:CatherineBreillat

A dark twisted love story between a sexual and violentSpanish woman and a good for nothing but love-making man.The deep bond between them is thesteamy sex which seems to liberate them and prison them at the same time.They couldn』t help to going back tothat again and again against their intentions and efforts to come out ofit.The scene to remember is whenRyno De Marigny went to visit Vellini after their mutual decision ofseparation, Vellini pulled out a slender dagger from her hair and slightly cutRyno’s beautiful face while he was lying down next to her.Very sexy and shows the way of Vellinito express her love.Another moredaring scene is when they finished the fire burial of their daughter who diedof spider bite, Vellini is wildly and painfully riding on Ryno to reach herorganism.Against the vast desert inAlgerea two naked bodies bonded through sex on their misery with their daughterburning on the side.That is darkand twisted enough for me.

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