性、謊言、錄影帶--Sex, Lies and Videotape


7.2 / 43,042人    100分鐘

導演: 史蒂芬索德柏
編劇: 史蒂芬索德柏
演員: 詹姆斯史派德 安蒂麥道威爾 彼得葛蘭傑 Laura San Giacomo Ron Vawter


2010-11-06 18:44:34

A good one

I seldom recommend American movies, but this movie I guess could be one of the few which worths a 4.5 something. I believe that the name of the movie could be one major reason which attracts people, but what inside is much more profound that what may be thought of before watching it.

It's a movie about the relationships, which doesn't include sex scenes as expected, but full of subtle conversations. It talks about lying in marriage, phycological problem, women and men's desire, as well as a karma ending. I don't wanna get in much of the details.

All in all, it's impressive. I give it a "recommendable".