

2010-07-06 07:51:36

good guy

The good guy is a very realistic one, just like Wall Street Warrior to some extent. I was betting that the director and screenwriter works there before so that he knows so much about it. After googling it, actually he was a Citadel partner before!
No wonder. Though it is a romantic comedy, it makes me feel sick for days. And lost interest to any financial guys in the IB business.

PS: 豆瓣上對這個電影的評分不高,但是我覺得這確實是一部好電影。像wall street那些電影拍的有點over了,不太像真實情況,這個電影拍得就比較寫實。而且前後呼應,包袱又多,三看不厭。演員們演得都很好,尤其是那個boss ("fuck fuck fuck....." "you hang up first, you hang up first.....",hehe, 但是不記得他叫什麼了),以前演過lipstick jungle裡面的Joe,他實在是太強了,大愛 :)