驚天爆--Donnie Brasco


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導演: 麥可紐威
編劇: Joseph D. Pistone Richard Woodley
演員: 艾爾帕西諾 強尼戴普 麥可麥德森 Bruno Kirby


2010-05-12 17:18:23


    這確實是一部很酷的電影,電影中很多大段大段的對白我幾乎可以複述下來。感覺就像是一個混得不怎麼樣的朋友和你一起喝酒時向你抱怨社會對他的不公,向你訴說生活中的是非,時不時夾雜著一些垃圾話,說的人很過癮,聽的人也很過癮。不得不提一下我覺得這個片子中最精典的台詞,"army is some guy you don't know sends you out to whack some other guys you don't know."感覺只有對生活看得很透徹的人才能說出這樣的話。
    還有一個不得不說的就是片子的中文字幕,本來外國電影在翻譯成中文時就會失去很多的味道,但是如果翻譯得再不準確,那就真的變得面目全非了,當我看到把a spoke in a wheel翻譯成輪子的煞車片時,我真的是有點哭笑不得,翻譯字幕的人實在是太不負責任了,在此我把一些我覺得不好理解的台詞寫出來,也不一定完全對,不對的地方還請幫我指正。
尼克y was a rat because Sonny Black says he was a rat.Who the fuck am I?Who am I?I'm a spoke on a wheel.And so was he, and so are you.
a spoke on a wheel,螺絲釘,這是老左在說自己在黑幫中很沒有地位,鬱郁不得志.
sonny was probably in on whacking the boss,whacking the boss,another thing i get left out of,
you don't move up,everyday you are looking over your shoulder,you don't know what's gonna happen.
you gonna make this week's vig.
What's "Forget about it"?What is that?"Forget about it" is like...if you agree with someone.Like, "Raquel Welch is one great piece
of ass." "Forget about it."
這是丹尼向同事解釋forget about it,如果你同意女明星Raquel Welch特別性感,就可以說forget about it.
The whole time Sonny Black's in the can...he's got a family,
he's got a mistress.He's got a mistress for the mistress.I watched out for all of them.I was the only one.Nobody else gave a fuck.200 fazools,week in, week out.
Explain it to me. I know how a hit gets set up.You think I don't know that?How many times I been on the other end of that phone?Twenty-six times.You just got done saying you and Sonny Black are friends...Donnie, I got sent for.In our thing, you get sent for,you go in alive, you come out dead...and it's your best friend that does it.
桑尼叫老左去,但老左怕桑尼要幹掉他,因為之前他有過二十六次給別人打電話然後幹掉他們.我覺得這裡的the other end of that phone用得很好,意思是我一直在電話的那邊叫別人出來然後幹掉他,現在自己在電話的這邊被叫出來可能要被幹掉.