

4.6 / 4,032人    90分鐘

導演: 凱瑟琳迪克曼
編劇: 凱瑟琳迪克曼
演員: 烏瑪舒曼 安東尼愛德華 蜜妮卓芙


2010-03-30 05:36:36




Motherhood is about accepting the limitation of time and energy, which stretch beyond you. Even if sometimes it feels they could consume you. Search for and hold on to your own true self. If you lose that, what kind of mother can you be? 母性就是要同時間和精力作鬥爭,好讓你駐足喘息。即使到了崩潰的邊緣,也不要迷失自我。如果你不能堅持,還算什麼母親呢?

Things are always changing. No matter how much we might want things to stay the same. You could take a picture of your kids every single day, and every single day, they'd just be getting older. That's the fact. A heart breaking fact, but still a fact.不管我們多麼想保持事物的本來面目,事情總是在不斷變化的,但你仍然可以每天為你的孩子拍張照片,每天他們都在成長。這就是事實,一個讓你難以接受的事實,但仍然是一個事實。

So seize your days and dwell in them fully. Look to your children. Because they know how to inhabit brief periods of time with extreme passion, and for nothing more,really, then the sake of those moments. They can help you remember that. If you slow down and let them, feel fortunate because chances are good you actually might be.所以爭分奪秒與他們相處,仔細照料你的孩子,因為他們也知道怎樣用激情的火焰點燃時光。沒有什麼能勝過懷念這些美好的時刻了。他們可以幫助你銘記這些,只要你放慢腳步,慢慢品味,懷有一顆感恩的心,因為生活中充滿了這麼多美好的機會。
