型男飛行日誌--Up in The Air


7.4 / 350,078人    109分鐘 | Canada:108分鐘 (Toronto International Film Festival)

導演: 傑森瑞特曼
編劇: 華特肯恩 傑森瑞特曼
演員: 喬治克隆尼 傑森貝特曼 梅蘭妮萊恩斯基 薇拉法蜜嘉


2010-03-11 03:19:24

Up in the air, always in the air

For those people who got used to loneliness, they are kinda scared of human relationship. They tried to escape or ignore, or even pretend that there's no such thing.However, once they realized what kind of pathetic situation they are facing, they can be desperate, too. They may want to settle down and live like those normal folks, but what they don't know is that they've already lost that kind of ability to deal with "human stuff" because they stepped out of real world for too long.

I thinks this movie is great. The story is very smooth and the actors are fantastic. It's like everyone knows that there gonna be a huge change in the end and they wait for it, until they say, "wow, I didn't think of that."

George and Vera made their fabulous performance and you can hardly tell that they are acting.

I also like the scene that in the end, when he finally reach his miles goal, he said "I forgot what I've planed to say". Sometimes, go easy with your so-called goals, because we all don't know what would happened in the future.