霹靂鑽--Marathon man


7.4 / 70,288人    125分鐘

演員: 洛薛爾德 達斯汀霍夫曼 導演: 小霍華科奇
演員: 勞倫斯奧立佛


2010-03-07 21:29:26

Funny Lines-"That ain't the catch. It's the fun."

[When Elsa leaves the library, Babe hesitates, and then runs after her. He finds her as she is climbing the stairs to her apartment and makes small talk, trying to prolong the conversation. When she keeps walking away, he bursts into an honest confession]
Babe: Look, I'm sorry I stole your book.
Elsa Opel: What?
Babe: I took your book and put it underneath mine. I, I didn't know how to talk to you, I was embarrassed, so I took your book.
Elsa Opel: Aren't you embarrassed now?
Babe: Yeah. I'm, I'm humiliated.
Elsa Opel: So, why do you pursue people who sit at your library table?
Babe: I don't. It's just that... you're pretty.
Elsa Opel: Ohh!
[She smiles and turns to walk away from him for about the seventh time]
Babe: Well, I can't talk about how smart you are; I don't even know you. Anyway, I'm done lying with you.
Elsa Opel: Are you always so incompetent with women?
Babe: Oh, yes. Today's way above average for me.
Elsa Opel: Congratulations.
[She is still smiling as she unlocks her door to leave him]
Elsa Opel: Good night.
Babe: That's too bad. I could make you so happy. I'm smart as a whip; you won't meet another thief like me in the library again. Come on; why don't you say you'll see me, huh?
Elsa Opel: All right. I'll see you again. But it won't come to anything.
Babe: You can't tell.
Elsa Opel: [wistfully] Yes, I can.
[She shuts her door in his face]


Janeway: In 1945, Szell let it be known around Auschwitz he could provide escape for anybody who could pay the price. He started out with gold naturally, but very quickly worked his way up to diamonds.
Babe: Why did you say "naturally" when you said he started with gold?
Janeway: Szell knocked it out of the Jews' teeth before he burned them. Szell was a dentist.


Babe: Listen, I want you to rob my apartment.
Melendez: [laughs] Why?
Babe: There are some guys out there after me, I got a gun in my desk drawer, and I want you to get me some clothes.
Melendez: What's in there for me, man?
Babe: I got a TV set, I got a hi-fi, you can take it all. Do it.
Melendez: What's the catch?
Babe: The catch is it's dangerous. Please do it.
Melendez: That ain't the catch. It's the fun.   舉報