神鬼尖兵2--The Boondock Saints II: All Saints Day


6.2 / 66,936人    118分鐘 | 138分鐘 (Director's Cut)

導演: Troy Duffy
編劇: Troy Duffy Taylor Duffy
演員: 西恩派屈克福納瑞 諾曼李杜斯 比利康諾里


2010-02-28 02:24:33


1999年,Troy Duffy自編自導了一部暴力動作cult片【處刑人】。和許多難登大雅之堂的小cult片一樣,【處刑人】一開始也只能通過家庭錄影帶和影碟的渠道進入到影迷視野中,隨著影迷的互通有無口口相傳(我本人也是在若干年前網友的強烈推薦下才看到此片),影片引起熱烈的反響,不僅在小眾cult迷中受到狂熱的追捧,甚至在次年還登上了大螢幕,攏獲一大群死忠Saints Fans.


誰也沒有把【處刑人】看得很「認真」,儘管再喜歡,再紅極一時,它仍然只是一部「當下看起來很爽」的娛樂消遣品而已,just a one night thing, never call back~ 於是當我看到【處刑人2】的海報的時候,震驚啊。這無疑再次印證影迷的力量有多強大,好萊塢的眼光有多勢利。


其實就「處刑人」的故事來說,第一部已經終結的很徹底,電影的魅力體系也已搭建完善,加上各主演的完美演出,實在是沒有拍續集的必要。可是導演的野心不小,似乎不願意將他的得意作品終止在一部邪典經典的層面,而希望打造一個邪典經典系列。「在製作【處刑人2】的時候,我意識到自己必須選擇正確的方向,就算讓我對抗全世界,我也不可能背叛那些曾經真正擁護過我的影迷們。」既然導演都這麼說了,我們這些Saints Fans當然要力挺!




演員部份,新增的兩個亮眼配角搶走處刑人兄弟太多的風采。一個是Clifton 科林斯 Jr.扮演的墨西哥人,作為處刑人陣營中的新搭檔,活潑搞笑的形象頗具喜感,在【陽光清洗】中斯文內斂的獨臂男到了這裡卻成了打架殺人的高手。一個是Julie Benz所扮演的性感又智慧的FBI探員,她除了彌補續集中缺少Willem Dafoe角色的重大缺憾之外,還有讓觀眾大飽YY之福的巨大功效,說句實在話,蝶某人不想和她上床那就太假了(在《絕望主婦》第六季中的兩集客串出場早已讓我有此邪念了)! turn me on turn me on咧~

咳咳,扯遠了,最後說一下ending,Willem Dafoe還是不負眾望地出現了,小秀了一把臉,目的是為【處刑人3】做引子啊!好傢夥,導演是真要搗鼓出一個cult片界的「教父三部曲」啊,Saints Fans要集體振臂高呼萬歲了!




1、Detective Greenly: We are totally fucked! Not just fucked, like elephant dick, pound in the ass, no reach-around, jungle fucked!


2、Eunice: I am so smart, I make smart people feel like they are retarded.


3、Connor MacManus, Murphy MacManus: Sláinte
Murphy MacManus: You know, he was sort of a badass though, wasn't he?
Connor MacManus: Shades of Eastwood. Charlie Bronson.
Rocco: Duke Fucking Wayne!
Connor MacManus, Murphy MacManus: Duke Fucking WAYNE!
Rocco: Men build things, then we die. It's in our fucking DNA! THAT'S WHAT WE DO!
Murphy MacManus: And when it all falls down?
Rocco: We build it right back up again.
Connor MacManus: But this time bigger. BETTER!
Rocco: Look! Look what we can do. Look how fuckin' beautiful we are. You think the men that built all this had it easy?
Murphy MacManus: Hard men!
Connor MacManus: Doing hard shit!
Rocco: and that gives me a hard on... But not in a gay way or anything like that.
Murphy MacManus: No, 'course not
Connor MacManus: Yeah it goes without sayin'
Rocco: I am so sick of all of this self help, twelve step, leftover hippie generation bullshit!
Connor MacManus: Now they don't want you to do anything, right? Just sit there. Don't drink.
Murphy MacManus: Don't smoke. Don't drive fast.
Connor MacManus, Murphy MacManus, Rocco: Kiss my ass!
Rocco: Fuck it! Do it all I say! Do you think Duke Wayne spent all of his time talking about his feelings with a fuckin' therapist?
Connor MacManus: There's no fucking way he did!
Rocco: John Wayne died with five pounds of undigested red meat in his ass. Now that's a man! Real men hide their feelings. Why?
Connor MacManus, Murphy MacManus, Rocco: Because it's none of your fuckin' business!
Rocco: Men do not cry. Men do not pout. Men jack you in the fuckin' jaw and say...
Detective Greenly: Thanks for comin' out.


4、Eunice: With all due respect... man I hate it when people say that because it is inevitably followed by a disrespectful remark. Here let me give you an example: With all due respect detective, this matter falls under whatever jurisdiction I fuckin' say it does.


5、Rocco: There's two kinds of people in this world when you boil it all down. You've got your 'talkers' and you've got your 'doers'. Most people are just talkers, all they got is talk. But when all is set and done, it's the doers who change this world. And when they do that, they change us. And thats why we never forget them... So which one are you? Do you just talk about it or do you stand up and do something about it? Because believe you me, all the rest of it is just coffee house bullshit.