型男飛行日誌--Up in The Air


7.4 / 350,078人    109分鐘 | Canada:108分鐘 (Toronto International Film Festival)

導演: 傑森瑞特曼
編劇: 華特肯恩 傑森瑞特曼
演員: 喬治克隆尼 傑森貝特曼 梅蘭妮萊恩斯基 薇拉法蜜嘉


2010-01-11 01:07:37

Life needs companion.


What's the point of marriage?
Get married, then live together day after day, then have kids, then kids go to school, graduate, marry and have your grandchildren, then a solid death for you finally.
"I don't see the values~"

Yeah, that's a dilema/confusion a guy got into the night before wedding. What's point of all those crap? As short and simple as it forms, life needs a companion.
To my understanding, it doesn't necessarily have to be a Mr/Ms Right to be that one around, all the time. A friend, a roommate or even a dog/cat would count. But, well, that's just my current philosophy, with little hop-in-marriage pressure on the back yet~

Back to the romance theme. When inviting someone to get on board with you, sometimes, it doesn't have to take a dead serious "I love you". If it's too hard for you to untie your tongue to pop out the 3 damn words, here comes a face-saving but still sweet alternative: If I have to get a +1, I'd like you to be it.

Talking about companionship, it is perfect when LOVE is the glue that bounds you up. Nevertheless, it still would be great if it is just "cozy mutual enjoyment".

Wait...am I dragged down to a lower level of expectation by the smooth and comfortable bubble the story blows?

Finally, quoted entirely from another review which is way shorter and better than mine/the one you are reading right now,
