男女生了沒--The Ugly Truth


6.4 / 231,099人    96分鐘

導演: 羅伯路克提
編劇: 妮可伊斯曼 凱倫麥可庫蘭路兹
演員: 傑瑞德巴特勒 凱瑟琳海格 凱文康諾利 約翰麥可希金斯


2009-12-23 14:24:08

The ugly truth

There are thousands of books out there to teach you how to become a perfect catchy for your love ones.

like "How to get a guy from 1 to 10" "The gorden rules for perfect lover"


Once you fallow those rules ,you may get the guy or girl you want.

But,how do you make sure he is like you for who you are,or how do you

pretend to be a "perfect lover" forever?

We all want show our best side for the person we like,

but when you get tired of feaking, did he/she might get tired of you as well?


So , should we just be less perfect and be more real ?

What if we can not get anyone if we be real?


That's sounds like a trick question, but the answer is very simple.

Try to be a better person, not feak it or pretend to be someone you are not, just love yourself and become a better person,

you will be perfect for you Mr/Mrs Right,

even those little flows you have will turn out to be your sparking points.

That's what love do.