公主與青蛙--The Princess and the Frog


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導演: 朗克萊門 John Musker
編劇: 朗克萊門 Rob Edwards
演員: 約翰古德曼 泰倫斯豪爾 Keith David


2009-12-19 00:11:21

oh, well~~~~

上週日和朋友一家人去看The Princess and the Frog,確實有硬傷,但是不影響電影主旨的表達。然後收到了一封CPA newsletter,也提到了這部電影:
「(3) – My wife was working last Saturday so I took my two daughters to see the movie: The Princess and the Frog. Okay, it is a cartoon so it probably is not going to rival The Godfather. But, it did have an excellent message: 「You can do anything that you set your mind on.」 The heroine was a child who was very poor but wanted to start a restaurant of her own and that was the message her father kept pushing. So, she worked double and triple shifts to make that dream come true.

Well, in all honesty, I do not know that you can do every single thing that you set your mind on. There are a few dreams (a friend of mine dreams of swimming in the Olympics, for example) that are a bit unlikely. However, I will tell you exactly what I do believe:

--If you don』t want something badly enough to set your mind on it, you don』t really want it.
--If you don』t want something badly enough to do the work, you don』t really want it.
--If you don』t want something badly enough, you are probably not going to get it.

So, the question I would pose to you, today, on December 14, 2009, is: how badly do you want to pass the CPA Exam? Simply question but the answer can be complicated. Everyone will say that they are dying to pass but that is just 「lip service」 – how badly do you really want to pass?

I can tell you two ways that you can find out for yourself.

First, there are times every day when you can study or you can do something that is more interesting.
  You can study or you can watch television.
  You can study or you can read a magazine.
  You can study or you can go to a movie.
Count how often each day 「You can study」 wins. If it is 80 percent or more of the time, then you are probably serious about passing the CPA Exam. It doesn』t have to be 100 percent of the time but it ought to be a solid majority. Study needs to win very frequently.

When faced with temptation, if you choose to study most of the time that is a great sign that you really have set your mind on passing.

Second, I have said often in these email lessons that you should plan out how many hours per day (on the average) that you want to study. Are you able to study one hour each day, 90 minutes each day, two hours each day or what? In your life, what is a reasonable goal?

Then, of course, keep track of the number of days that you are able to hit that goal. Again, it doesn』t have to be 100 percent of the time but if you are not able to meet the hourly goal at least 70-80 percent of the time, it may be that you just think you want to pass the CPA Exam but you have not really set your mind on passing.

「You can do anything that you set your mind on.」

從得知考試報名的噩耗以後我就一直有這個想法。現在我覺得很有可能,我會cut my winter break short and go back to study early。8月份的deadline確實不是開玩笑的