無可救藥愛上你--Possession [2002]


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演員: 葛妮絲派特洛 導演: 尼爾拉布特
演員: 亞倫艾克哈特
編劇: Shaun P. O'Hagan
演員: 潔瑞米諾森
編劇: Shaun P. O'Hagan
演員: 珍妮佛艾莉


2009-12-15 22:39:53

Romance of words

  On account of lacking enough time, I meant to watch this film instead of the original work. But now I determine to appreciate this book,since I believe the plot will be complete and meaty that engages me more.
  In the typical English romance, for me what the two protagnists talked with each other sounds like a song lingering on my ears.

    they say that women change
  'Tis so,
  but you are ever-constant in your changefulness
  like that still thread from the falling river,
  one from source to last embrace in the still pool
  and ever renewed,
  and ever moving on
  from first to last,
  a myriad of water droped
  and you-
  i love you for it-
  are the force that moves that holds the form

  These things are there. The garden and the tree
  The serpent and its root, the fruit of gold
  The woman in the shadow of the boughs
  The running water and the grassy space.
  They are and were there. At the old world' rim,
  In the Hesperidean grove, the fruit
  Glowed golden on eternal boughs, and there
  The dragon Ladon crisped his jewelled crest
  Scraped a gold claw and sharped a silver tooth
  And dozed and waited through eternity
  Until the tricksy hero Herakles
  Came to his depossession and the theft.
   Ash must be a fabulous poet who wrote such spectaculous words that really moved me. I can understand the conflict in Belly's heart. On the one hand, she loved the man who was always resisting to
admit his feeling, and longed for develop further relationship with him. On the other hand, she was scared. She was reminded of the relationship and the pathetic ending of Ash's true love, all her own love affairs and others. All love turns out to be ashes of time.
Even though a man's flame burns up his lover, even he makes her breath-taking, when they are confronted with the fierce reality, they have to choose to sacrifice or make a compromise.