哈啦瑪莉--There's Something About Mary


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導演: 巴伯法拉利 彼得法拉利
編劇: 艾德德克特 John J. Strauss
演員: 卡麥蓉狄亞 麥特狄倫 班史提勒


2009-12-02 04:27:36

Absolute Quotes


I think I』ve made it perfectly clear. If everything else falls apart, maybe.

What a fox.


I couldn』t believe it. She knew my name. Some of my best friends don』t know my name.

All the way.

Catch me back at school.

They see me in a whole new light.

What exactly are we looking at here?

Franks and beans.

Bactine 消毒水

What were you thinking?
Let’s just say the kid limber.

High way rest areas

Time, she’s up.

Foofy and woofy. 鬍子拉碴還娘娘腔

I』m in a slump. 我陷入了困境。

You』re truly a glass-is-half-empty boy.

Each day is better than the next.

You got a bump in the road and you gave up?

I』m the kind of guy who shoot from the ship. I want you to level with me.

Did you knock the skirt up? 你讓她懷孕了?

Real piece of work. 真了不起。

Looks like you really cleared up your act. 看來你改頭換面了。

--I don』t drink any more.
--Yeah, you don't drink any less. Right?
--19 months I』ve been straight.
--Is that right? Good for you.
--It’s hard at first. But I』m there. I』m there.

Alky 酒鬼 booze 酒
Cokehead 癮君子 coke candy 毒品

--Does he bite?

You gotta bend a little. Or believe me, you』re gonna break.

I don』t wanna fall off the wagon. 我可不想(菸酒)舊癮復發。

Tight little package: affirmative. 身材一流

Creeps 怪癖

I』ll hook up with Warren. 找沃倫


Dream it off. 別做白日夢

Cut the crap. 別廢話了。

What’s that supposed to mean?
It means you change you mind too much.

He would have popped the question a long time ago. 求婚

To hell with Brett. I』ve got a vibrator.

Fucking Healy. You think your shit don』t stink. Well, I got news for you. You are right. I was uptight.

Here comes the money shot. 好戲上演。

First chink in the armor. 大失所望

She is really something else. God.

I guess she packed on a few pounds over the years.

Four kids. Three different guys. But no rock. 沒有結婚。

Pain. Pain. Pain. Ain』t that just love’s name.

--I still wanna look her up.
--Who? Roller pig? Are you nuts? 肥婆。

Sumo culture. 相撲文化。

--So what’s your name?
--Pat Healy.
--So wanna know mine?
--I already know it. 瑪莉.

Dipshit 笨蛋You already put a fucking nick(劃痕) in my piano.
Are you fading? You wimping out on me? 你要打退堂鼓?
wimp 窩囊廢
