

2009-06-23 17:59:29

Build life or adventure?

     剛看完《Rumor has it...》。





Jeff: It doesn't work that way, ok? U can't just walk in here now and tell me that u can't live without me. What am I supposed to do with that? I am supposed to make it all right for u? I can't do that anymore.

Sarah: I don't want u to. I love u. I didn't come here to tell u that I can't live without u. I can live without u... I just don't want to.


     沒錯,這世上誰離了誰就活不成我是從來不信的。I can live without u. 離開其實很容易很簡單。從這個世界人間蒸發或是消失也並不是一件太難的事。什麼都不要管了,全部都推開就可以。這世上沒了誰我都能活得好好的。沒有誰離不開誰,關鍵是你是不是想要離開。 But i just don't want to.


     還有一句,Sarah對她sisiter說的。It's more important who u re with than what u re doing.


     最後,關乎婚姻到底是adventure還是build life。其實我覺得這個問題嘛,婚姻之於我,還是必須建立在愛情的基礎上的。因為如果不是我那麼愛的人,我根本就不可能會有想要跟他have alongtime marriage and build life的念頭。當然是因為愛,才會有想一直一直都和這個人都在一起的念頭。跟一個自己不愛的人結婚,只因為他穩重踏實適合過日子。Crazy? How come? 這樣的想法在我看來根本是荒謬可笑而且不合乎道德的。

     其實,要跟一個人結婚,一輩子在一起build life,本來就是一場adventure,不是嗎?


     Build life or adventure? 這本來就不是選擇題。