天方夜談--Bedtime Stories


6 / 101,585人    99分鐘

導演: 亞當夏克曼
演員: 亞當山德勒 凱莉羅素 蓋皮爾斯 克特妮考克斯 泰瑞莎帕瑪


2009-04-12 22:40:14

Cherry red Ferrari for FREE!!


oh god!the Bedtime stories is super hilarious!!I really do enjoy Adam's action in this movie, and I can tell that the stories are superrr funny. Especially the FERRARI thing,hahahaah HILARIOUS!!!when he says,"so,am I getting the cherry red ferrari for FREE~~~~~~~,then Rob says"I guess it sounds okay to ME~~~~~~~~~.HAHAAHAa I love that part..also before that when Skeeter's in the car and tries to ask the guy besides him about how much it costs him to get a such nice car, and the guy's like"oh, it's really fordable, save all ur money from now and times ten then double ur salaries,you'll just get my muffler"超級搞笑的電影,很久沒有看到這種輕鬆又簡單的comedy movie><
