巴黎德州--Paris, Texas


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編劇: 文溫德斯 導演: 文溫德斯
編劇: L.M. Kit Carson 山姆謝普
演員: 哈利狄恩史丹頓 狄恩史達威爾 Socorro Valdez

2009-04-06 10:32:47













是的。 我了解那種感覺。



































  I knew these people ...
  These two people.They were in love with each other.The girl was ...very young, about seventeen
  or eighteen, I guess.And the guy was ...quite a bit older.He was kind of ragged in, wild.She was very beautiful, you know.Yeah.And together they turned
  everything into a kind of an adventure,and she liked that.Just an ordinary trip
  down the grocery store was ...
  full of adventure.
  They were always laughing at stupid things.
  He liked to make her laugh.
  And ...
  they didn't much care for anything else,
  Because all they wanted to do was
  be with each other.
  They were always together.
  And he, he loved her more than
  he ever felt possible.
  He couldn't stand
  being away from her,
  uh ... during the day when he went to work.
  So, he quit.
  Just to be home with her.
  Then he got another job
  when the money ran out,
  then he quit again.
  But pretty soon, she started to worry.
  About what?
  Money, I guess.
  Not having enough.
  Not knowing
  when the next check was coming in.
  I know that feeling.
  So he started to get kind of ...
  torn inside.
  How do you mean?
  Well he knew he had to work
  to support her,
  but he couldn't stand
  being away from her, either.
  I see.
  And the more he was away from her,
  the crazier he got.
  Except now,
  he got really crazy.
  He started imagining
  all kinds of things.
  Like what?

  He started thinking that
  she was seeing other men on the sly.
  He'd come home from work
  and accuse her of
  spending the day
  with somebody else.
  He'd yell at her,
  break things in the trailer.
  The trailer?

  They lived in a trailer home.
  Anyway, he started to drink
  real bad.
  And he'd stay out late
  to test her.
  To see if she'd get jealous.
  He wanted her to get jealous,
  but she didn't.
  She just worried about him,
  but that got him even madder.
  Because ...
  he thought if she never got jealous of him,
  she didn't really care about him.
  Jealousy was a sign
  of her love for him.
  And then one night,
  one night, she told him
  she was pregnant.
  She was about three
  or fourth month pregnant,
  and he didn't even know.
  And then suddenly everything changed.
  He stopped drinking,
  he got a steady job.
  He was convinced
  that she love him now,
  because she was carrying his child.
  And he was going to dedicated
  himself to making a home for her.
  But funny thing started to happen.
  He didn't even notice at first.
  She started to change.
  On the day the baby was born,
  she began to get irritated with everything around her.
  She got mad at everything.
  Even the baby
  seemed to be an injustice to her.
  He kept trying
  to make everything all right for her.
  Buy her things.
  Take her out to dinner
  once a week.
  But nothing seemed
  to satisfy her.
  For two years,
  He struggled to put them back together like
  they were when they first met.
  Finally, he knew
  that it was never gonna work out.
  So, he hit the bottle again.
  But this time,
  it got mean.

  This time when he came home late at night,
  she wasn't worried about him,
  or jealous,
  she was just enraged.
  She accused him of holding her captive,
  by making her have a baby.
  She told him
  that she dreamed about escaping.
  That was all she dreamed about:
  She saw herself at night,
  running naked down a highway.
  Running across fields,
  running down river beds,
  always running.
  And always, just as she was about to get away,
  he'd be there.
  He would stop her somehow.
  He would just appeare and stop her.
  And when she told him these dreams,
  he believed them.
  He knew she had to be stopped,
  or she'd leave him forever.
  So he tied a cowbell to her ankle,
  so he could hear it at night
  if she tried to get out bed.
  But she learned how to muffle
  the bell by stucking a sock into it
  and inched her away out bed
  and into the night.
  He caught her one night,
  when the sock fell out
  and he heard her trying to
  run out to the highway.
  He caught her, dragged her back to the trailer and tied her to the stove
  with his belt.
  He just left her there,
  he went back to bed
  and lay there and listening to her scream.
  And he listened to his son scream.
  He was surprised at himself because
  he didn't feel anything anymore.
  All he wanted to do was sleep.
  And for the first time,
  he wished he were far away.
  Lost in a deep, vast country
  where nobody knew him.
  Somewhere without language
  or streets.
  And he dreamed about this place
  without knowing its name.
  And when he woke up,
  he was on fire.
  There were blue flames
  burning the sheets of his bed.
  He ran through the flames
  towards the only two people he loved.
  But they were gone.
  His arms were burning.
  And he threw himself outside,
  and rolled on the wet ground.
  Then he ran.
  He never looked back at the fire.
  He just ran.
  He ran until the sun came up,
  ten he couldn't run any further.
  And when the sun went down,
  he ran again.
  For five days
  he ran like this ...
  until every sign of man ...
  had disappeared……

從發出之日至今已經有8年了,此翻譯文字此前有很多錯別字,期間很多朋友表示對他們理解電影幫助很大 ,特此校正。 2017年2月17日 ·