

7.6 / 583,726人    162分鐘 | 186分鐘 (Director's Cut) | 215分鐘 (Ultimate Cut)

導演: 查克史奈德
編劇: 大衛海特
演員: 瑪琳艾珂曼 傑佛利迪恩摩根 卡拉裘吉諾 比利庫達普 派翠克威爾森


2009-04-02 19:48:06

Life is a practical joke and death is the final laughter-----WATCHMEN

The comedian said : humans are savages in nature. He is clever enough to see through all the make up we put on. And he is wise enough not to tear down the maskes. He just laughed and Joked about it, cause he knows his life is a practical joke.
He is so clever yet so deliberately immorale.On the night of triumph in Vietnam, He shot the pregnant Vietman girl in the bar without a blink. When Manhatten blamed him for that. He said: You could have turned the gun into ashes, the bullets to molecues. But you didn't. You really dont care about huamns anymore. He shot Kennedy in the head. On the night of the police strike against superheroes, he watched Night Owl tried to convince the crowd to disperse, tirelessly yet powerlessly. What did he do? He jumped to the ground and start shooting anyone who refuse to leave with rounds of tear gas, round after round until the street is clear. It also broke poor Night Owl's heart. He cried and asked the comedian:" Wut has happened to us? Wut has happened to the American Dream?". The Comedian laughed : " It came true."
The question is why would he do that ? Why would a man who could see so deeply into the nature into human nature choose to be ignorant? I guess it's easy. " The only sane way to live in a insane world is insanity." When humans are savages, the life is just a practical joke. And that might be why the comedian keeps laughing all his life. When hooded justic caught him raping silver spectre and beated him half to death , he laughed , shouting shamelessly: "Isn't it the kind of thing that get you high?" When Captain Metropolis tried to pull together the watchmen to fight the mobs, he mocked at all the super heroes in the room and inflamed the map with his zippo. " It doesn't matter a squat. Cause in 30 years the nukes will be flying like Maybugs. And Ozzy(Ozzymandias, Adrian Veidt) here will be the smartest man on the cinder". He laughed when Veidt threw
him out of the window and met his death. After all, If life is joke, then death is just the final laughter.
Among the 6 watchmen, only three could see the savage inside us. Dr. Mahattan is to powerful to notice anything until Veidt gave him a bump on the head. Silverspectre Laurie is just a spoiled princess who tries to find her true identity. Night owl Danny is having a hard time overcoming his self-confidence issue and waiting to be lectured by Rorschach and Veidt. With his " school boy courage" , his biggest achievement could only be " failing to prevent the earth's salvation".
Except the comedian, only Veidt and Rorschach could do sth about it.

Rorschach represents the hard, cold, conservative sense of justice:Justic is never ever compromised and the bad people get punished without mercy. Unlike the comdian's story which tastes more like black humor, his is a tragedy. The mobs dont like him, because he finish them off whenever he got a chance. The police dont like him because he thinks they are too soft with the criminals. "I have never seen anyone so alienated from people" as the fat phsychartrist said. He tried to preserve justice and save the world by going away from it , away from its insanity so that his sense of right and wrong would not be compromised. Inevitablly, he failed. It's hard to help a patient who doesn't want the treatment by forcing it on him. He will just hate you for it. That's why when the cops caught him, they didn't treated him as a hero. They gave him a good beating and threw him in a jail where tens of inmates had been put there by him. It's sad. The tragedy of Rorschach is not one of him, but one of the world. We are the patient that don't want to be treated. And he died at the very moment the world which he has sacrificed so much to protect was saved, killed by the very man that help save the world. I suppose his heart broke even before Manhatten blow hime into pieces. It's ironic. To redeem the world, we must destroy our sense of right and wrong because we are so depraved that we dont want justice any more.

I dont wanna talk a lot about Ozzy. He is a typical revisionist villain, just like Archangel Gabriel in the , Gabriel Shear in the and so many other villains who do horrible things for the greater good, except the fact that he is not the villain. He is the ultimate savior of the world. I guess that's what makes WATCHMEN so special ,among other amazing traits it has. Most of the time , we hear the saying that good is good , bad is bad and that there is a great wall between them. If you do the good things, you will save the world. But WATCHMEN is saying that is simply too naive. When the nukes are ready to exterminate the world any minute, putting criminal bosses behind bars hardly solves any real problem. The humans are savaged in nature. The justice is just keeping the insanity at bay. "To save the human kind, I have to trick it"---Ozzy is right. The only moment that we forsake our stupid qurarrell and differences is the moment that we face a common enemy. And that enemy just so happened to be one that they could not defeat ---- the God like Dr. Manhatten. It's really genius. Only when we have constant a common constant threat , could we unite ourselves in for a long time. It's sick and it's depressive. But I believe it's the closest imagination we have ever had to the truth.
