豬頭漢堡包--Harold & Kumar Go to White Castle


7 / 206,279人    88分鐘

導演: 丹尼 雷納
演員: 周約翰 卡爾佩恩 尼爾派屈克哈里斯


2009-03-27 05:14:34

我不在White Castle,就在去White Castle 的路上


 ——....nothing important ,i can talk.... when we get high...
——Mr.Patel, do you actually believe after the way i would ever even consider recommending you for admission?

——no.I'm gonna be honest with you,the only reson i'm applying is my dad will keep paying for my apartment ,I really don't have a desire to go to med school...

——but you have perfect MCAT scores...
——yeah~just 'cause your XX like a moose doesn't you gotta do porn~
——get out !!!!!!!

——come on,dude,just take one hand. do you wanna be cool?...
hey man ,what're you dong?
——i'm so HIGH~!!!NOTHING CAN HURT ME~!!!
——No~~~~!! [marijuana kills.]

——here ,you're driving.
——shit,i forgot my cell phone ...
——you wanna run back and get it?
——no ,we've gone too far...

——please tell me there's another white castle in town?
——are you sure?
——do i look like kind of brother that would be unsure about something like that?.(= =事實就是)....hey,pss..there's White Castle that's open 24hourrs up in Cherry Hill...as a burger shack employee for the past three years, if there's one thing I』ve learned, it’s that ...every time you bite in a White Castle burger, just makes me want to burn this motherfucker down… COME ON !!!POKIE~ LET'S BURN THIS MOTHERFUCKER DOWN!!!!!!!!!!!!!(囧…)

——I'm kp,class of 2004.......(打聽工作找人寫推薦信,離畢業還有十年…= =!這種人真的很多,狂汗…)


—— what kind of hippie are you?
——what kind of hippie am i? man ! i'm a business hippie!!I understood the concept of supply and demand!!(傻瓜也有聰明的一面)

「 i just wanna TALK~~~~」(拿著狼牙棒衝上去..)

——wah,man,i guess you're going to med school after all.ah?
——fuck that,dude,like i care what my dad thinks....
——i don't understand... you just hugged him..
——yeah, i just needed to get my hands on this...
——access card?
——two words for you~bro~Medical Marijuana.= =

 ——thanks for helping us out.. ..
——OH!!no problem at all!!! I seen you two standed out there alone in the dark(把自己當神..),and i said to my self(振聾發聵)"WHAT WOULD JESUS DO?!!"..... have you boys accepted Jesus as your lord and savior?
——yes... yeah~he's great .cool guy.( cool guy...= =)

——I have some bad news and some worse news...
 ——give me worse thing first. ...
 ——the cheetah went the wrong direction...
——shit..SHIT!!! all right, what’s the bad news?
 ——your laptop completely destroyed...
——what...why did you....WHY DO YOU TELL ME that was the WORSE..HOW WAS THAT ARE NOT THE WORSE NEWS!!!!!
——ee...laptop’s situation only effects you, and white castle situation effects both of us equity... (呃...)


這輩子一定要到White Castle去吃一次!
       因為它 i'm so high right now ~
...not low^ 哈……

game face~ game face~