惡靈古堡--Resident Evil


6.6 / 289,065人    100分鐘

導演: 保羅安德森
編劇: 保羅安德森
演員: 蜜拉喬娃維琪 蜜雪兒羅莉葛茲 艾瑞克馬必爾斯 詹姆斯柏爾福 Martin Crewes


2009-03-18 21:42:27

resident evil

my favorite movie, excellent picture, excellent story and ecellent actress.
 I have watched this movie for more than ten times .
 first i really like the actress,she is so beautifuland powerful,she creat a very amazing charactor.
 Second I like the music in the movie,a little melody could increase the movie level.
 finally it is a movie about a woman fight with evil side, and it′s action is really powerful.the war between weakness and evil is more likely attract people attention.