我愛上流--Fun With Dick And Jane


6.2 / 154,325人    90分鐘

導演: 狄恩派里索特
編劇: 賈德阿帕托
演員: 金凱瑞 蒂李歐妮 亞歷鮑德溫


2009-02-16 00:06:24

battle the impact of financial crisis

sorry, this computer cannot type Chinese.
I have to use my poor english to comment on this film.
I watched it yesterday and i expected it for a long time.
As we known, nowadays, everyone need to bear the negative impact from the economy recession. More and more workers lost their job, but most of them have a bog family to provide for. If this situation don't have any change, maybe some jobless person will be driven to extermes in order to survive, like dick and Jane.
I think both Dick and Jane are optimistic spouses. Jane never give up Dick, she remained confidence with dick, even bank will confiscated the house they owned. And Dick is also a good father for their child, everytime they faced predicament, Dick always thought his baby's feeling.
How absurd their action is, for my opinion, just showed their love for this family, pact of their life--family relationship.

In this period, we need enough confidence to battle the impact of financial crisis, try our best, i believe the charming future is waiting for us!   舉報