關鍵密碼--Lucky Number Slevin


7.7 / 326,085人    110分鐘

導演: 保羅麥格根
編劇: 喬許哈奈特
演員: 布魯斯威利 劉玉玲 摩根費里曼 班金斯利 彼得奧特布瑞奇


2008-11-28 23:38:58

裡面的一首歌 after laughter (come tears)



After laughter comes tears
After your laughter there will be tears

When you're in love, you're happy
When your in a arm, you gaze
This doesn't last always

After your laughter there will be tears

My friends all say, don't try to hold it in
But i can't let that guy know how i feel
I'll try to hold back my, my, my tears
But they keep say

After your laughter oh, oh, oh

I'll try to hide, hide my sorrows
I wonder can i hold them till tomorrow
Maybe ill hold them for a year
But they keep say

After your laughter
Now you will see those wet little tears

After your laughter
A little biddy tear will look climb into your eye   舉報