舊愛,還是最美--Flashbacks of a Fool


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導演: 巴利華爾許
編劇: 巴利華爾許
演員: 丹尼爾克雷格 Harry Eden Miriam Karlin Jodhi May 海倫邁柯瑞


2008-11-10 17:33:02

If there is something.一輩子的安寧

每個人都有自己的故事,不算秘密,但是絕不會講給別人聽. 把他埋在心裡最安靜的地方,不去想他. 然後披荊斬棘,毫無顧慮地生活,好像重新開始.

電影情節沒什麼說的,最好自己一個人看. 節奏和氣氛,很像影片的主題, 有種曾經滄海後的坦然和深沉. 這類回憶的電影都是這樣吧, 男女主角永遠不會在一起happy live after. ...sorry, 我實在不想對情節和電影本身說什麼, 勸大家去看.

影片一直平淡無奇, 直到最後, 老了的Ross看到Joe的信,伴著Bowie的那首if there is something 失聲痛哭的畫面,像是有人忽然給了我鼻子一拳, 讓我幾乎流出眼淚來. 畫面回到Joe和Ross少年時, 稚氣未脫的他倆,在唱著同一首歌. 他們眼神是那麼充滿朝氣,臉上寫著十五六歲朦朦朧朧的怦然心動. 讓人看了心碎.

"Shake your head girl, with your ponytail,Takes me right back [when you were young]"

年少之後,Joe遠走他鄉,飛黃騰達,行屍走肉; Ross嫁給了Joe最好的朋友, 養育了4個孩子. 25年不曾相見, 疏有聯繫. 都過著自己選擇的生活, 甚至都很快樂,充實. 其實,想想誰不是帶著盪氣迴腸的故事一天一天地生活, 誰又能說清什麼是得失,什麼是想要的,什麼是幸福. 沒了這些,不去想他,歲月還不是一樣帶著我們走完一生.

總有一些事, 那個人, 在你不知不覺中, 奪走了你一輩子的安寧,不再回來. 從此之後, 我們只能時刻提醒自己, 得堅強或者麻木地繼續努力生活.

PS: 電影本身沒什麼意思, 勉強過得去,不算好電影.

If There is Something--by David Bowie

If there is something
That I might find
Look around corners
Try to find peace of mind, I say
"Where would you go
If you were me?
Trying to keep a straight
course is not easy"
Somebody special
Looking at me
Same kind of reaction
Wanted to crie with me
Lived here and there
It's too easy to say
But the service just a game a game-ame-ame-ame
I would do anything for you
I would come all day
I would swim all the oceans blue hu
I would walk a thousand miles
Reveal my secrets
More than enough for me to share
I will put roses around the door
Sit in the garden
Growing potatoes by the score
Shake your head girl, with your ponytail
Takes me right back [when you were young]
Throw your precious gifts into the air
Watch them fall down [when you were young]
Your love - feel you put them on the ground
It use to fall apart [when you were young]
Your love - feel you put them on the ground
The hills were higher [when you were young]
Your love - feel you put them on the ground
The trees were taller then
[when you were young]
Your love - feel you put them on the ground
The grass was greener [when you were young]
Your love could feel you with devotion
Used to walk upon [when you were young]