P.S. 我愛妳--P.S. I Love You


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導演: 理查拉葛瑞夫尼斯
編劇: 理查拉葛瑞夫尼斯 史蒂芬羅吉絲
演員: 希拉蕊史旺 傑瑞德巴特勒 麗莎庫卓 小哈利康尼


2008-09-15 22:51:25



Gerry: Are we finished now? Can I come back?

Holly: I'm sorry. I'm sorry.

Gerry: I'm sorry, luv. Ahhh.

Holly: I'm sorry.

Gerry: I'm sorry I said the wrong thing to your mother.
God, I still get nervous around her.
I still think after nine years, she doesn't like me.
I know I'm being stupid.

Holly: No, you're not being stupid, baby.
She doesn't like you.

Gerry: Really? And I thought deep down, she really loved me.

Holly: No, she doesn't.
I was 19 when we got married.
And you corrupted me with sex and charm...and the longer it takes you to make your fortune, the less sexy and charming you are.

Gerry: Hmm.

Holly: What? What are you looking for?

Gerry: My balls. They were hanging there a minute ago.

Holly: My mother said it was a mistake marrying you because I loved you too much.
"It won't last."
I don't wanna make any mistakes, Gerry.

Gerry: Well, you're in the wrong species, luv. Be a duck. My baby.
We're not a mistake just because we don't have any money.
And we are gonna last.
You know how I know?
Because I still wake up every morning and the first thing I want to do is see your face.

Holly: Oh, I'm sorry.
I see people buying bigger apartments and having babies.
I get so afraid sometimes our life's never gonna start.

Gerry: No, baby.
We're already in our life.
It's already started. This is it.
You have to stop waiting, baby.
And Hol, you can't keep eating me head off, telling me to leave.
I'm not going anywhere. I'm not your dad.

I still know you are around. You are still here, aren't you?

We have absolutely no idea what we want.

We're so arrogant, aren't we?
We're so afraid of age. we do everything we can to prevent it.
We don't realize what a previlege it is to grow old with someone, some one who doesn't drive you to commit murder, or doesn't humiliate you beyond repair. Sweet.

I feel like I'm trying on a new pair of shoes I really wanna buy, but they just don't fit.

Would you mind if we should walk together since we are going in the same direction. I'll stay on this side of the road. Don't even have to talk. Just quite nice, sometimes walking along with someone without talking once you get your feet wet.

I could turn it on and off when I was younger and I had no principles. When every girl that I was lucky enough to kiss was the end of life as I knew it. Now I only send it out when I think she might be the one that makes it true.

If I happen to walk into the right one in the right town then we'll know for sure, won't we? And if I don't then that'll just be the most perfect kiss ever created by two strangers and we'll just keep it perfect for the rest of our lives.

I like you, but I can't be the invisible man. I'm tired of being the shoulder. I wanna be another body part you need, you know? I wanna be the bad guy. I wanna a woman to go crazy over me and then I wanna use her up until she's ruined for all other men. I'd like to be somebody's Gerry.

God, that man could make me laugh.

so, all alone or not, you gonna walk ahead.

Hey, baby. Surprise. I know this probably feels a little bit morbid, but I just hate the idea that I'm not gonna be there to see you freak out over turning 30. I mean, it kills me not to be there. Heh-heh. That's funny. Okay. No, it's not. You're gonna be so impressed. I have a plan, baby. Can you believe it? I've written you letters. Letters that will be coming to you all sorts of ways. I waited till your birthday. I figured you weren't stepping out of the house for a while. Letter number one will be arriving tomorrow. Now, you must do what I say, okay? Okay? Don't try to figure out how the letters are coming. It's too brilliant and it'll ruin my plan. Just go along with me on this. Because the thing is, I just can't say goodbye yet. So for starters I want you to get dolled up, and just go out and celebrate tonight. Go out with your girlies. I hereby free you from a party with your family, especially your mom. Oh, man, your mom's there, isn't she? Mm. Shit. Sorry, Patricia. It isn't that I don't love you, but she needs to get a little crazy. So have a slice of the bloody cake, put on your dress and get out of the apartment. Denise, make a plan. Just leave me with John, okay? And know that wherever I am, I'm missing you.
Happy birthday.
I love you.

Save yourself bruises and buy yourself a bedside lamp. And remember, a disco diva must look her best. Go buy yourself a knock-out outfit. You'll need it for when my next letter comes. And I know you hate your job, but I'll help. Look for a sign. You'll know what to do.
P.S. I love you.

My leather jacket is for you. I always loved the way that looked on you. But the rest of my stuff, you don't need it. Make some space in that bloody apartment for yourself. Go on. It's time, baby.
P.S. I love you.

You're an angel for seeing my folks. I told you my mom didn't hate your guts. Well, you know, anymore. You are now standing in my fort where I did all my big thinking. This is where I stood thinking about you after the very first time we met. You didn't look real to me at first. I never saw so many colors on one girl before, but you looked like you belonged out there, all right. You and all your colors. Do you remember the first thing you ever said to me? Oh, you didn't look lost, not to me. At first, the no-talking thing didn't last. Before long, I couldn't get you to shut up. But you were so cute, trying to impress me with 威廉 Blake and all your grand plans. I had no idea what you were talking about, but I couldn't help loving the way you talked. I didn't have a clue, actually. I loved you right then and there. Life had changed as I knew it. And now it's changed again, luv. See, I don't worry about you remembering me. It's that girl on the road you keep forgetting. "My business is to create. It doesn't even matter what you do." You told me that, remember?
P.S. …
So go home. Go find it. Find that thing that makes you like nobody else. I'll help. Look for a sign.

Dear Holly, I don't have much time. I don't mean literally, I mean you're out buying ice cream and you'll be home soon. But I have a feeling this is the last letter, because there is only one thing left to tell you. It isn't to go down memory lane or make you buy a lamp, you can take care of yourself without any help from me. It's to tell you how much you move me, how you changed me. You made me a man, by loving me Holly. And for that, I am eternally grateful... literally. If you can promise me anything, promise me that whenever you're sad, or unsure, or you lose complete faith, that you'll try to see yourself through my eyes. Thank you for the honor of being my wife. I'm a man with no regrets. How lucky am I. You made my life, Holly. But I'm just one chapter in yours. There'll be more. I promise. So here it comes, the big one. Don't be afraid to fall in love again. Watch out for that signal, when life as you know it ends.
P.S. I will always love you.

Dear Gerry, you said you wanted me to fall in love again, and maybe one day I will. But there are all kinds of love out there. This is my one and only life, And its a great and terrible and short and endless thing, and none of us come out of it alive. I don't have a plan... except, it's time my mom laughed again. She has never seen the world... she has never seen Ireland. So, I'm taking her back where we started... Maybe now she'll understand. I don't know how you did it, but you brought me back from the dead. I'll write to you again soon.
P.S... Guess what?

I just want to tell you nothing you don't want to here
all I want is for you to say
oh, why don't you just take me where I've never been before
I know you want to hear me catch my breath

I love you till the end
I love you till the end
I love you till the end
