莉琪的異想世界--The Lizzie McGuire Movie


5.5 / 42,391人    94分鐘

導演: 吉姆富爾
編劇: Susan Estelle Jansen 艾德德克特
演員: 希拉蕊朵芙 Adam Lamberg 羅伯特卡拉定 Hallie Todd

wannabe angel

2008-07-30 07:21:07

dreams are made for those who believe themselves

hilary duff's voice is beautiful...I mean compared with other movies the plot seemed a bit simple but it was nice to see Lizzie finally finding herself and her confidence...way more exciting than the usual episodes~ so it was surprising ,refreshing and touching in a way 每個人心中都有一個明星,自信+一點運氣=fairytale!