魔幻至尊--The Illusionist


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導演: 尼爾柏格
編劇: 尼爾柏格
演員: 艾德華諾頓 保羅賈麥提 潔西卡貝兒 魯佛西維爾


2008-07-13 05:43:12



主持人:life and death, space and time,fate and chance,these are the forces of universe,tonight, ladies and gentlemen, i present you a man who has unlocked these mysteries.From the furthest corners of the world where the dark where the dark arts still hold sway,he returns to us to demonstrate how nature laws may be bent. i give you heisemhime!


愛森海姆:i would like to continue with an examination of time.from the moment we entre this life we are in the flow of it.we measure it and we mark it,but we cannot defy it.we cannot even speed it up , or slow it down.or can we? have we not each experienced the sensation that beautiful moments seem to pass too quickly ,and wished we could make it linger? or felt time slow on a dull day, and wish that we could speed things up of it.

這一場魔術最精彩的是《橙子樹》。現場削開一隻橙子,剝出一粒核,放到空花盆裡,於是幾分鐘內,橙子發芽,抽乾,生枝,結果子~ 魔術師摘下橙子扔到觀眾席里,那都是百分百的真果子。

愛森海姆:i thought we might end this evening with the discussion of soul. all of the greatest religions speak of the soul's endurance beyond the end of life.so what then it is to mean, to die?
