印第安納瓊斯:水晶骷髏王國--Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of th


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導演: 史蒂芬史匹柏
編劇: 菲利普考夫曼 大衛柯普
演員: 西亞李畢福 哈里遜福特 凱特布蘭琪 約翰赫特


2008-05-28 19:53:58

2008年第八場電影——Indiana 瓊斯 and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull

A film by 史蒂夫n Spielberg, with 哈里斯on Ford, Shia LaBeouf, Karen Allen, Cate Blanchett.

The Cold War is on, Communists are baddies, and Indiana 瓊斯』 in trouble with the KGB. The Russians are on the look-out for artefacts with paranormal powers that can give them an advantage over the Americans. So they sensibly thought that old Dr. Henry 瓊斯 Junior might be able to help. Indy gets away with it and subsequently engages in a race, together with young rebellious biker Mutt, to beat the KGB to a lost Mayan city in the Amazon jungle.

Alright, I』m trying to spoil none of it, but I』m not sure if it’s worth… My guess is, by the end of scene one, you』ll have everything figured out. Indy, however, is getting old, and take the show’s full two hours to understand. Besides that, he’s still good at his job, namely punching bad guys in the face and jumping from truck to truck. There’s great chemistry too, between Ford, Allen and yes, even Shia LaBeouf who’s much less irritating here than he was in Transformers (hey what’s with all the Transformers bashing in my last few posts??) Cate Blanchett, unfortunately, is given a rather silly and cliche character. Despite her best effort, she cannot be a credible villain. Credibility is, in fact, the whole problem. The lead roles, as good as they are, and as witty and fun as some of their dialogues can be, cannot overcome the tedious, forced plot. Secondary characters are put there just as cannon fodder or to give the script an easy way out of a dead-end. Oh well, we should be used to it since Jaws and Jurassic Park.

There are a few other let-downs, one being the score, John 威廉斯 clearly running out of ideas on how to re-tune good old Indy theme. Some scenes also turn out really silly and unnecessary, but once again I think this is just 史蒂夫n’s director signature.

Looking at the complete picture, this is not an absolute bad movie. Probably borderline good even, thanks to the acting and good development of Indiana 瓊斯』 character. Just that the plot is a real disappointment, way way below The Last Crusade or Raiders of the Lost Ark. Yes, it’s just as bad and cliche as The Temple of Doom luckily it’s still an Indiana 瓊斯 movie.

Rating: 6/10.