關鍵密碼--Lucky Number Slevin


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導演: 保羅麥格根
編劇: 喬許哈奈特
演員: 布魯斯威利 劉玉玲 摩根費里曼 班金斯利 彼得奧特布瑞奇


2008-03-21 06:41:53

堪薩斯 City Shuffle.

Mr. Goodkat: The reason I'm in town, in case you're wondering, is because of a 堪薩斯 City Shuffle.
尼克: What's a 堪薩斯 City Shuffle?
Mr. Goodkat: A 堪薩斯 City Shuffle is when everybody looks right, you go left.
尼克: Never heard of it.
Mr. Goodkat: It's not something people hear about. Falls on deaf ears mostly. This particular one has been over twenty years in the making. No small matter. Requires a lot of planning. Involves a lot of people. People connected by the slightest of events. Like whispers in the night, in that place that never forgets, even when those people do. It starts with a horse.   舉報