ID4:星際終結者--Independence Day

独立日 / ID4星际终结者(台) /天煞-地球反擊戰(港)

7 / 604,679人    145分鐘

導演: 羅蘭艾默瑞克
編劇: 羅蘭艾默瑞克
演員: 威爾史密斯 比爾普曼 傑夫高布倫 瑪麗麥唐納 瑪格莉特柯林 薇薇卡福克斯


2008-01-26 05:35:01

《獨立日》 (Independence Day)中最振奮人心的話!

    《獨立日》 (Independence Day)是我很喜歡的一部科幻電影,它的主演是美國著名的黑人影星威爾·史密斯,影片的另一個名字叫作《天煞地球反擊戰》。
    Good morning. In less than one hour planes from here and all around the world will launch the largest aerial battle in the history of mankind… Mankind. The word has new meaning for all of us now. We are reminded not of our petty differences but of our common interests.
     Perhaps it's fate that today, July the Fourth, we will once again fight for our freedom. Not from tyranny, persecution or oppression. But from annihilation. We're fighting for our right to live, to exit. From this day on, the fourth day of July will no longer be remembered as an American holiday but as the day that all of mankind declared we will not go quietly into the night. We will not vanish without a fight. We will live on. We will survive. Today we celebrate our independence day.