凶線第六感--In the Cut

5.4 / 25,145人    119分鐘 | Canada:113分鐘 (Toronto International Film Festival)

導演: 珍康萍
編劇: 珍康萍
演員: 梅格萊恩 馬克魯法洛 珍妮佛傑森李


2007-05-26 02:44:47

In the cut

  She is a university literature teacher,all day long doing with strange slangs and "to the lighthouse",single,dissocial.Everyday she goes to work and goes home,only has one friend that is her half-sister.She wears weird hair style and old fashioned clothes,seldom has attraction to male.But she is not nasty at all.She is brave,she doesn't care about what others think about her for just one second.
  When she met Malloy though,things began to change.The first impression Malloy left to her was his tattoo,which she had found in the man she saw being given blowjob.In my opinion,Malloy at that time is in fact the symbol of sex.
  People say"make love",does it mean that love can be made?Anyway,in my point Frannie was first intrigued physically by Malloy and then psychologically.
  After their first having sex,Frannie had been weeping.As i've said before,her body is satisfied,but her soul wants more.Her feeling of loneliness aggrandized at her sister's death.She is tired of being strong all her life,she now wanted something or someone to lean on.In fact we can see this when she asked her student to carry her bag,at which time the male student just let her carry two big bags while he's carrying none,he declared that "since she's just like a warrior,carrying her bag for her would be like an insult".At that time,Frannie just threw one bag for him to pick up and walked away.She can be strong,but still wants to be taken care of when she's tired.She thought Malloy was the one,or i'd rather say,she wished he was the one.She nearly believed it untill she found the accounterment from the wristlace.She wanted to believe him,and her heart wanted too,however,her mind told her "NO".Not every girl has a spiderman admirer,so we MUST learn to save ourselves.Her instinct to protect herself told her to run away from this man,and she did so.
  He used to say to Frannie:"You can ask me to fuck you,or kiss your pussy,i'll do that,i can do everything you ask me to."What he meant by"everything"was "anything but love you".As a charmfull man,though,he doesn't really like women.Maybe it's because of his failed marriage,he takes women as "easy come and easy go".He can play well with any woman,however,the last thing he would do is to love one.
  The first time he met Frannie,he was refused to enter her house coz he couldn't proof he was a cop,so he just sat outside the chained door waiting for her to make phone calls to check.The reason why he wanted to date Frannie was,"i don't get you",as himself said.Towards her,he acted as usual perfectly:sex,but no staying afterward;relationship,but nothing about his privacy.
  However,spending time to study this woman turned out to be not so right,coz he slowly found himself more and moe interested in her.She's more than just a woman"to fuck",but someone kind of special for him.He even got concerned about her being attacked and tried to teach her to use guns,though he behaved kind of strictly at that scene.He remembered Frannie's lost shoe,and took it back for her from the jumbled murder scene,more over,he put it on for her in his office.And yet,he began to enjoy the consequence of his previous doings:Frannie refused to trust him.
  Maybe this is where modern men's antinomy lies?Being afraid of the responsibility so dare not say those three little words?But what if you meet someone you really like?How do you convince her and even yourself that you're willing to spend the rest of your life to be with her?I don't have a 30 something old male friend to ask:"What's your relationship with women?"so this is only my point of view.
  How long should it take for a woman to marry a man since they get to know each other?
  As the words in the subway,we are all lost in a dark path,but where is the lighthouse?
  I never take this film as a serious thriller,and i believe that is not what Campion wants.She is exploring something.Something in the relationships between people nowadays,their self-awareness,their hard shells for protection,their innermost desires,their lost and found,loves and fears in this big big world.   舉報