終極戰士2--Predator 2


6.3 / 182,382人    108分鐘 | Germany:93分鐘 (TV version) (FSK 18 version) (heavily cut) | 103分鐘 (vcd)

導演: 史蒂芬霍普金斯
編劇: Jim Thomas 約翰湯瑪斯
演員: Kevin Peter Hall 丹尼葛洛佛 蓋瑞布希 魯賓布萊茲


2007-02-27 11:08:34

Yautja 和 Raphael Adolini 1715-- 鐵血戰士 2 結局 含義解析


估計很多人都看過《鐵血戰士》(Predator) 系列的電影
  相信其中很多是最近兩年看《AVP Alien Vs. Predator》才知道這種外形怪物
  我第一次看這片子是小時候老爹借來的VHS版本的錄影帶 可謂記憶深刻
   詳細全文 http://ttdz.21years.com/index.php?pl=148&ct1=3
  這次我再出來給看Predator2 中結局一頭霧水的人們解惑
  在Predator2 結尾 我們的偉大LAPD放躺下了Predator
  結果一下子出現了N個Predator同伴 正在我們的黑人同志絕望的時候Predator並未給同伴趁機雪恥 而是贈了他一直刻有Raphael Adolini 1715燧石火槍
  估計看了這結局大部份觀眾肯定直接懵了 而且電影就沒有任何解釋
  Q: What is the name on the antique gun in the Predator 2 movie? Does it hold any real significance to the movie or the Yautja themselves?
  A: The flintlock pistol from Predator 2 was inscribed Raphael Adolini 1715, thus proving that either Yautja are very long-lifed creatures, or just that their clans have been hunting on Earth for hundreds of years. According to a Dark Horse story Predator: 1718, which features in Decade of Dark Horse #1 (of 4) and the collected edition Decade: A Dark Horse Short Story Collection TPB, the pistol was a trophy taken by a Yautja who hunted a band of pirates in 1718.
  As the story goes: dropping anchor at an island in Guinea in 1718, the Captain of the small band of pirates suddenly faced mutiny over a stolen case of gold which was destined for a church. The Captain wanted the gold returned, much to the anger of his crew who turned against him. In the following battle, a watching Predator joined the fray and fought back-to-back with the Captain - attacking the rebellious crew with an extendable sword.
  In the climactic scene, with the crew dead and the Predator and Captain about to battle mano a mano, the Captain is suddenly shot in the back by the last member of his crew, who was in hiding. Denied his trophy, the Predator angrily blasts the final crewman to hell. With his dying breath, the Captain whispers 'take it...' to the Predator, throwing him his beautifully engraved pistol. With the Captain dead, the Predator takes a moment to think about this battle - and with some curious respect, leaves the dead Captain his extendable sword... 'Take it.'
  The final scene sees what looks like a shooting star moving across the evening sky, far above a now silent island - and a pirate ship in the bay, never to leave anchor again.
  答:那把燧石手槍上面記著"Raphael Adolini 1715",證明 Yautja 是一種壽命很長的生物,並且已經在地球上狩獵了數百年,根據「XXX(鐵血戰士系列的其中一部小說和後續的短篇集的記載)」這把手槍是一個Yautja在1718年和一群海盜搏殺時獲得的戰利品。(筆者腦子突然想到了加勒比海盜2中的某角色扮相)
  根據故事內容,1714年,一群海盜在幾內亞的一個小島拋錨後,那幫海盜的船長遇到了一起叛亂。起因是由於他們劫掠了一箱正運往教堂途中的黃金,船長想歸還黃金,但許多船員反對他。在接下來的戰鬥中,一個觀望中的掠食者 加入的戰鬥中,他與船長並肩作戰,用一把可以伸展的矛攻擊叛亂者。
  Yautja 就是 Predator 鐵血戰士
  In the climactic scene, with the crew dead and the Predator and Captain about to battle mano a mano, the Captain is suddenly shot in the back by the last member of his crew, who was in hiding. Denied his trophy, the Predator angrily blasts the final crewman to hell.
  mano a mano= hand to hand, one on one 是西班牙語 http://www.straightdope.com/classics/a5_164.html
  Denied his trophy 我覺得這裡是比喻。意思是:兩個人決鬥的話,能最後「taking your life」是戰鬥的 Trophy。我在和你決鬥,突然冒出來個人把你殺了,這對於我這是 Denied my trophy,我肯定會很不爽,也肯定會把你 blast to hell。
  一是認輸,二是表示尊敬 you are a worthy component!
  Aliens Vs Predator最後,一個Predator把死去的Predator用過的「伸展的劍」(其實我覺得像標槍)交給那個黑人女科學家。
  有關Predator的電影 小說 遊戲 很多 都成了一個系列 甚至有把終結者也揉進去的同人作品 最新的電影是《異形大戰鐵血戰士2:原始獵殺》(Aliens Vs Predator 2 Primal Hunt)
