終情之吻--The Last Kiss [2006]


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導演: 東尼古威
編劇: 保羅海吉斯
演員: 札克布瑞夫 賈欣妲貝瑞特 艾瑞克克里斯汀歐森 凱西艾佛列克 賴瑞戴依


2007-01-27 03:09:34

Men & Women

Men are eventually the same, more or less. Women too.

Unfortunately they are heading for totally different directions, looking for totally different destinations.

This is why they both find it harder and harder to hear each other clearly like before as time goes on.
-Will you promise?
-Will you take it seriously?
-Will you open your heart?
-Will you be paranoid?
-Will you always love me?
-Will you always be unavailable?
-Will you be there for me?
-Will you drive me nuts?
-Will you cheat again?
-Will you forgive me if I tell the truth?   舉報