婚禮終結者--The Wedding Crashers


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導演: 大衛多布金
演員: 歐文威爾森 文斯范恩 克里斯多佛華肯 瑞秋麥亞當斯 珍西摩爾 亨利吉勃遜 蕾貝嘉狄摩妮


2006-02-05 02:35:56

Crash it!

The Wedding Crashers,一出有血有肉的愛情喜劇。婚禮總是討巧的喜劇或浪漫題材,Four Weddings And A Funeral、My Best Friend's Wedding、My Big Fat Greek Wedding、The Wedding Singer等等。每一部喜劇都有自己的特點,有的喜得無厘頭,有的喜得意味深長,有的喜得天衣無縫。那麼這部The Wedding Crashers,介於三者之間。
粗口、低俗笑話、裸露必不可少,喜劇早已從卓別林式轉變為American Pie式,不過該片不像前者那麼瞎搞,畢竟兩名主角的身份是律師而非高中學生。
非常喜歡開頭。Owen Wilson和Vince Vaughn扮演的律師John和Jeremy,讓一對前來辦理離婚財產協議並且爭吵不斷的夫婦回想約會時的美好,而這些美好回憶只是為了讓他們可以心平氣和地離婚。John和Jeremy都不相信愛情。特別是Jeremy的那段解釋為何他不要relationship的台詞,拗口、絕妙。It's very difficult trying to read the situation,恐怕說出了不少人的心聲。
I don't like the feeling. You're sitting there, you're wondering do I have food on my face, am I eating, am I talking too much, are they talking enough, am I interested I'm not really interested, should I play like I'm interested but I'm not that interested but I think she might be interested but do I want to be interested but now she's not interested? So all of the sudden I'm getting, I'm starting to get interested... And when am I supposed to kiss her? Do I have to wait for the door cause then it's awkward, it's like well goodnight. Do you do like that ass-out hug? Where you like, you hug each other like this and your ass sticks out cause you're trying not to get too close or do you just go right in and kiss them on the lips or don't kiss them at all? It's very difficult trying to read the situation. And all the while you're just really wondering are we gonna get hopped up enough to make some bad decisions? Perhaps play a little game called "just the tip". Just for a second, just to see how it feels. Or, ouch, ouch you're on my hair.
而財政部長Cleary一家的古怪在令人捧腹之餘,也可以算是美國社會各種問題的縮影。神經質的同性戀藝術家兒子Todd、暴力到歇斯底裡的未婚夫Zack、性生活無法得到滿足的母親Kathleen、40歲還和和母親同住的Crasher高手Chazz等等,總之,都很變態。財政部長、父親威廉的扮演者Christopher Walken,把部長的嚴肅、政治家的心機、父親對於女兒的關懷都表現出來了。此前他曾參演過Catch Me If You Can、Sleepy Hollow、Batman Returns、Pulp Fiction等很多影片,演技不容小覷。
配樂很好,而為討女生歡心在婚禮上為小孩子做氣球玩具、和小孩子一起跳交誼舞這樣的橋段,也不失溫馨。沙灘、碧海、豪屋,一切浪漫歡喜的元素都齊備。愛情、友情、親情的情節架構,也都恰如其分,溫和演繹。So, relax yourself and crash the movie! And, i bet you will find fun in it.

p.s.The Rules of Wedding Crashing
Rule #1: Never leave a fellow Crasher behind. Crashers take care of their own.
Rule #2: Never use your real name.
Rule #3: When crashing an Indian wedding, identify yourself as a well-known immigrant officer or a county lawyer.
Rule #4: No one goes home alone.
Rule #5: Never let a girl come between you and a fellow crasher.
Rule #6: Do not sit in the corner and sulk. It draws attention in a negative way. Draw attention to yourself, but on your own terms.
Rule #7: Blend in by standing out.
Rule #8: Be the life of the party.
Rule #9: Whatever it takes to get in, get in.
Rule #10: Invitations are for pussies.
Rule #11: Sensitive is good.
Rule #12: When it stops being fun, break something.
Rule #13: Bridesmaids are desperate: console them.
Rule #14: You're a distant relative of a dead cousin.
Rule #15: Fight the urge to tell the truth.
Rule #16: Always have an up-to-date family tree.
Rule #17: Every female wedding guest deserves a wedding night.
Rule #18: You love animals and children.
Rule #19: Toast in the native language if you know the native language and have practiced the toast. Do not wing it.
Rule #20: The older the better, the younger the better (see Rule below)
Rule #21: Definitely make sure she's 18.
Rule #22: You have a wedding and a reception to seal the deal. Period. No overtime.
Rule #23: There's nothing wrong with having seconds. Provided there's enough women to go around.
Rule #24: If you get outed, leave calmly. Do not run.
Rule #25: You understand she heard that but that's not what you meant.
Rule #26: Of course you love her.
Rule #27: Don't over drink. The machinery must work in order to close.
Rule #28: Make sure there's an open bar.
Rule #29: Always be a team player. Everyone needs a little help now and again.
Rule #30: Know the playbook so you can call an audible.
Rule #31: If you call an audible, always make sure your fellow Crashers know.
Rule #32: Don't commit to a relative unless you're absolutely sure that they have a pulse.
Rule #33: Never go back to your place.
Rule #34: Be gone by sunrise.
Rule #35: Breakfast is for closers.
Rule #36: Your favorite movie is "The English Patient".
Rule #37: At the reception, one hard drink or two beers max. A drunk crasher is a sloppy crasher.
Rule #38: Girls in hats tend to be proper and rarely give it up.
Rule #39: The way to a woman's bed is through the dance floor.
Rule #40: Dance with old folks and the kids. The girls will think you're "sweet."
Rule #41: Never hit on the bride -- it's a one way ticket to the pavement
Rule #42: Try not to break anything, unless you're not having fun.
Rule #43: At the service, sit in the fifth row. It's close enough to wedding party to seem like you're an invited guest. Never sit in the back. The back row just smells like crashing.
Rule #44: Create an air of mystery that involves some painful experience when interacting with the girl you're after. But don't talk about it.
Rule #45: Always remember your fake name! Rehearse it in advance and make sure you know your fellow Crasher's code-name as well!
Rule #46: The Rules of Wedding Crashing are sacred. Don't sully them by "improvising."
Rule #47: You forgot your invitation in your rush to get to the church.
Rule #48: Make sure all the single women at the wedding know you're there because you've just suffered either a terrible breakup or the death of your fiancée.
Rule #49: Always work into the conversation: "Yeah, I have tons of money. But how does one buy happiness?"
Rule #50: Be pensive! It draws out the "healer" in women.
Rule #51: Always pull out in time.
Rule #52: Tell any woman you're interested in that you'd love to stay put but you promised to help out at the homeless shelter today.
Rule #53: It's time to put your Drama Lessons in practice! Get choked up during the service. The girls will think you're "sensitive". Bring a slice of onion or artificial tears if necessary.
Rule #54: Avoid virgins. They're too clingy.
Rule #55: If pressed, tell people you're related to Uncle John. Everyone has an Uncle John.
Rule #56: Don't fixate on one woman. ALWAYS have a back-up.
Rule #57: When seeing a rival Crasher, do not interact: merely acknowledge each other with a tug on the earlobe and gracefully move on.
Rule #58: The Ferrari's in the shop.
Rule #59: If two rival crashers pick the same girl, the crasher with the least seniority will respectfully yield.
Rule #60: No "chicken dancing": no exceptions.
Rule #61: When crashing out of state, request permission from the local Wedding Crasher chapter.
Rule #62: No more than two weddings a weekend. More and your game gets sloppy. You'll also attract unwanted notice.
Rule #63: Bring an extra umbrella when it rains. Courtesy opens more legs than charm.
Rule #64: Always save room for cake.
Rule #65: When your crash partner fails, you fail. No man is an island.
Rule #66: Smile! You're having the time of your life.
Rule #67: Mix it up a little. You can't always be the man with the haunted past.
Rule #68: Dance with the Bride's grandmother.
Rule #69: No sex on the altar. Confessionals, okay. Chair lofts, better.
Rule #70: Two shutouts in a row? It's time to take a week off. Ask yourself: what is it that is getting in the way of my happiness?
Rule #71: Research, research, research the wedding party. And when you are done researching, research some more.
Rule #72: Studies have shown that women have a more developed sense of smell. Breath mints: small cost, big yield.
Rule #73: Keep interactions with the parents of the bride and groom to a minimum.
Rule #74: In case of emergency, refer to the rulebook.
Rule #75: Girls in hats tend to be proper and rarely give it up.
Rule #76: No excuses. Play like a champion.
Rule #77: Carry extra protection at ALL times.
Rule #78: The unmarried female rabbi: is she fair game? Of course she is.
Rule #79: The tables furthest from the kitchen always get served first.
Rule #80: Stop, look, listen. At weddings. In life.
Rule #81: Occasionally bring a gift: you're getting sex without having to buy dinner, so you can afford a blender.
Rule #82: Always think ahead but always stay in the moment. Reconcile this paradox and you'll not only get the girl, you might also get peace of mind.
Rule #83: Don't let the ring bearer bum your smokes. His parents may start to ask questions.
Rule #84: Stay clear of the wedding planner. They may recognize you and start to wonder.
Rule #85: Don't use the "I have two months to live" bit: not cool, not effective.
Rule #86: Shoes say a lot about the man.
Rule #87: Always choose large weddings. More choice. Easier to blend.
Rule #88: You're from out of town. ALWAYS.
Rule #89: Know something about the place you say you are from, whether be from another US state or another country. 德州 is too-played out. For some reason, England, Germany or even New Hampshire seem to work. Master the accents convincingly, and you've nailed them!
Rule #90: Of course you dream of one day having children.
Rule #91: Never dance to "What I Like About You." It's long past time to let that song go. Someone will request it at every wedding. Don't dance to it. No matter how hot the girl.
Rule #92: Tell the bride's friends and family that you are family of the groom and visa-versa.
Rule #93: Only take one car. You never know when you'll need to make a fast escape.
Rule #94: Deep down, most people hate themselves. This knowledge is the key to most bedroom doors.
Rule #95: Try not to show off on the dance floor. This means you Jeremy.
Rule #96: Etiquette isn't old-fashioned. It's sexy.
Rule #97: Catholic weddings: the classic dilemma: painfully long ceremony: horny girls.
Rule #98: The newspaper Wedding Announcements are your racing form. Choose carefully.
Rule #99: Be judicious with cologne. Citrus tones are best.
Rule #100: Save the tuxes for "the big show" only.
Rule #101: Avoid women who were psychology majors in college. There is no kind of woman more clingy and persistent than a psychologist investigating your story later on.
Rule #102: No periwinkle colored ties, please.
Rule #103: Always have an early "appointment" the next morning.
Rule #104: Be well groomed and well-mannered.
Rule #105: Never cockblock a fellow Crasher. Cockblocking an invited guest--okay.
Rule #106: Eat plentiful, digest your food. You'll need the energy later.
Rule #107: Know when to abandon ship if it ain't floating.
Rule #108: Know your swing and salsa dancing. Girls love to get twisted around.
Rule #109: Always carry an assortment of place cards to match any wedding design.
Rule #110: Make sure your magic trick and balloon animal skills are not rusty. If the kids love it, the girls will too.
Rule #111: Never have sex with bride or groom's mother even if she is the hottest bombshell at the wedding. Just control yourself.
Rule #112: Have FUN! It's why you're there!
Rule #113: Don't look for opportunities; make them.
Rule #114: 3-4 months to wedding crash--funerals are year round!
Rule #115: Never walk away from a crasher in a funny jacket. (The rule that Jeremy makes up to insult John)   舉報