

2005-12-26 01:04:32



整個片子很輕鬆,如同吃一包薯片。男主角魯本是很傳統甚至是很按部就班的生活,他是保險風險分析師risk-management adjuster,可是卻沒有分析到他的新婚妻子會在蜜月的第一天,跟一個裸男潛水教練鬼搞,可他卻在精心的安排浪漫的晚餐……
我喜歡這樣愛浪漫的人,他願意背著他愛的人做出她愛的決定,他願意只因為她的喜好而每天花幾分鐘去整理床鋪和擺上七八個靠枕……,他願意把地上撒上花瓣只因為要營造浪漫的氣氛……When he came back to his life, heartbroken, but life should be continue. At that time he met Polly. POLLY——a waitress with free-spirit, has tattoo, never find her keys, like salsa dancing and Moroccan food. 
我很佩服的是魯本很堅持需要結婚,as to be married is a step of one’s life, no way to skip it.他可以去查到POLLY的住處,可以去假裝遇見,可以不顧自己的胃病陪POLLY吃很辛辣的食物,可以自己去學POLLY喜歡跳的他原本認為的dirty dance,可以為她準備好鑰匙追蹤器……Polly encourages him to live life on the edge and learn that life isn』t about the 「safe「 choice.    

當麗莎——魯本的WIFE,She dumps him on the first day of their honeymoon for a scuba instructor. 回來找魯本的時候,魯本選擇用他的IBS去計算自己應該選誰,加之POLLY本就喜歡自由,所以…… 
當然結局依然是HAPPY ENDING,不過讓我最有體會的是,魯本那個非常QUIET的老爸說的那句話It’s not about what happened in the past or what you think what』ll happen in the future. It’s about ride, for Christ’s sake. There’s no point going through all this crap, if you』re not gonna enjoy the ride. And you know what? When you least expect it something great might come along, something better than planned for.
All in all, the story didn』t develop, and it wasn』t funny enough that I forgot about the lack of story. And I fell the salsa scenes were particularly outrageous. 
 2005-4-15 星期五(Friday)