為你鍾情[2005]--Walk the Line

与歌同行/ 一往无前 / 为你钟情 / 弦途有你

7.8 / 265,717人    136分鐘 | 153分鐘 (extended cut)

導演: 詹姆士曼格
編劇: 詹姆士曼格
演員: 瓦昆菲尼克斯 瑞絲薇斯朋 勞勃派區克


2005-12-12 20:23:36

Steady like a train, sharp like a razor.

"Steady like a train, sharp like a razor." - That was how June Carter described Johnny Cash's music in "Walk the Line". Actually, that was exactly how I feel about this movie also. I went into the movie thinking I was going to see the biograhy on Cash's life. Well, I was kind of right, this movie is about how Cash came to realize his music and destiny, but it's also a love story of Johnny and June. The story is very subtle, nothing really dramatic, even when there's a fight going on, the director really played it down. However, doesn't mean the story won't move you. In fact, I don't think I've been touched by a movie like this for a long time.

Reese Witherspoon did such a wonderful job as June Carter. She really showed us how torn she was. She had the worst luck in men, people at the time called her an abomination to the Christian community because of her divorce, yet she still acted tough and cheery, because she still had to raise her daughters. She loved Johnny the moment they met, yet she resisted him for the longest time. First because they were both married to other people, and later because he was a drug addict and she just couldn't risk her life with another disastrous relationship.

And Joaquin Phoenix was amazing also. You can really see the pain in his eyes and his facial expressions, whether it was when he couldn't beat the drug addiction, or when he couldn't bear the disappointment from his father. He probably started loving June when he was 12 listening to her on the radio, but he just didn't know it yet until he met her for the first time. Once he met her, we all know that he's doomed.

Watching the two of them sing on stage was really cool, especially after I found out that Witherspoon and Phoenix really did sing the soundtracks. I never knew the two of them can sing! Sparks fly whenever the two of them are on stage together, and these two's chemistry really made this movie worked.

I also read that Johnny really did propose to June on stage in real life. That just made this love story even more romantic and sweet. It's a true story! :)
