遠離非洲--Out of Africa


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導演: 薛尼波拉克
編劇: Isak Dinesen Kurt Luedtke
演員: 梅莉史翠普 勞勃瑞福 克勞斯瑪麗亞布蘭道 Michael Kitchen


2005-08-15 11:44:41

a fearless woman

"Out of Africa" is my beloved movie, the favorite.
The story between Karen and Dennis is tragic. But I so much love Karen, this woman, the word to describe her well is: FEARLESS. She is such a fearless woman. She demands fairness, demands possessiveness, demands non-tragic nature of relationship between her and Dennis. Yes, it is only fate that killed Dennis, making Karen the loneliest woman with the loved one lost. If not that fatal clash, Karen and Dennis could have been happy together.
So, it is only fate. Not anything else.
I saw Karen's photo in her old age, in one of her story books. She looks so thin, so alone, but also so well-spirited. That picture scares me. Her being able to live without Dennis, to her old ages, scares me and the same time reminds me her fearlessness again.

How Karen treats those natives in Africa was also admirable and interesting. She wanted to change, to provide a "better" future to the native kids by teaching them read and write; but both "the chief" and Dennis thought to live the way they are for those natives are the best thing. I ponder which way is wiser? I guess this has no answer either. We could not control who we meet in our life, and what kind of changes those people we encoutered have made us into...